who's there? mrs buttle, are you alright? who are you? there must be some mistake . mr buttle's harmless. i want to report a wrongful arrest. i've been to information adjustments. they sent me here. they told me you had a form i had to fill in. yes. stamped? where do i get it stamped? are you alright? mrs buttle, are you alright? but you've stamped this form before! why won't you stamp it now? you're a stupid, fat arsed, obstructive, fascist moron aren't you? you think these are tits don't you? i bet you'd like to touch them? well don't. you're looking at twenty pounds of high explosive! and if you don't stamp this form i'm going to blow the place up! who are you? let go! how can i act naturally, when you've trying to break my arm? good! who are you? no. them? don't litter my cab! i don't want to hear about your fucking dreams! why are they all pigs at information retrieval? it's my fucking life. i know you. i saw you through the floor, didn't i? i didn't run away. i left the flat. i didn't like it. it had a hole in the floor. where are we going? where are you taking me? where are you taking me? it does doesn't it? don't act guilty. act like me. i'm just getting on with my job. or, are you just getting on with yours? what does it look like . i'm collecting empties. what parcel? a heavy christmas present. open it if you don't trust me. what are you doing in information retrieval? no, really. i mean, it doesn't suit you. don't you know the sort of thing that information retrieval does? we've got both. they couldn't be worse for the buttles. why don't you say, no system is perfect. say, all wars have innocent victims. who is this war against, sam? how many terrorists have you met? actual terrorists? look at that - right on time. well, almost . unfortunately i do have to punch in by 5.00 every day. what? who will? you're joking. i thought you arrested me. cut it out, sam. get away! stop it . damn you! you're mad! you're out of your mind! let go! we've got to stop! sam . we can't outrace them. you'll kill us! don't touch those! come on, let's go! let's get out of here! we? don't blame me! shit! the house is on fire! what? yes. come out, i know you're in there are you still following me? go away. leave me alone! you mean you were meant to hijack my truck, make me crash it, and have every security man in town looking for me? i saved you from the lorry and you're not very special. oh . jesus! no you're not! yes. there's your bomb! our annual bribes for official ass-holes like you! come on, make yourself useful, there are people hurt! hey stop . she's hurt! sam . don't!! you're late. yes. your face . are you hurt? they're gone. yes. do you repeat everying? don't you like parties? too late! no, amateur. where are you going? don't do anything silly. take care. what do you think? . is it me? care for a bit of necrophilia? merry xmas.