no, you can't have any more chairs! there's only one left in here now, and i need that to sit on! oh . er, sorry. who are you? ah, yes, you're the new boy from next door, ha ha! my name's lime. harvey lime. welcome to expediting. what? you want to take my console into your office? i'll tell you what . you tell me what and i'll do it for. i'm a bit of a whizz on this thing. a woman eh? i see. this is your dream girl, is it? you must be joking - when there's a woman involved - there's no stopping me. now, let me have that sheet. sod it, it's broken! oh - yes. look you're putting me off, standing there! go back to your office and i'll give you a knock when i've finished. go on. i'm not going to elope with her. computers are my forte. it's a start isn't it. best to take it slowly where some women are concerned. hey - that's my desk! sorry, a bit busy at the moment. you seem to have quite a lot to do yourself.