no you're not. jack lint is a lesson to you - he never had your brains but he's got the ambition. you haven't got the ambition but luckily you've got me. and mr helpmann. mr helpmann was very close - you see! dr jaffe, you're a genius. would you like to be surgeon general? four star. i know everybody. mr helpmann was very close to your poor father. he was very close to me. still is. he'll take you under his wing at information retrieval. you'll like it when you get there. it's a present for my son. i hope you like it. it's very exclusive. it's something for executives. hello, spiro. merry christmas. you remember samuel, my son. we're meeting mrs terrain. alma, how are you? you're looking wonderful! hello, shirley. sorry we're late. shall we order? get it out of the way. what are you going to have alma? oh, to hell with the diet, a number eight, please. alma, you wicked thing . you've started your treatment. the acid man? i'm sorry alma, i didn't mean to sound so . what were we saying? by the way, i saw a wonderful idea for christmas presents at the chemists. gift tokens. medical gift tokens. yes, they're good at any doctor's and at many of the major hospitals - and they're accepted for gynecological complications including caesarian section. actually, alma, that's one of the little things i was dying to tell you . sam's been promoted to information retrieval. sam . you haven't had dessert. don't be childish, samuel. of course you want something. you must have hopes, wishes, dreams. of course. isn't it wonderful? the bandages came of this afternoon. come and join the fun. everybody's here. yes he is - he wants to talk to you. it seems you're the first person ever to turn down a promotion. he thinks you should see a doctor. oh, louis! you know sam. really, louis. sam!!! not now . please