hello . what . what? oh . mr kurtzman! . you're up late. oh, is it? the electronics here are up the spout. yours too, sir? don't worry sir - i'll be there. jack! well, since you disappeared up the ladder of information retrieval . i don't expect to see you slumming in records - what's the problem? you sound worried. sorry. nothing. see you - i'm going to be late. even later. yes, i know, fantastic, marvellous, wonderful - remember me to alison - and the - er - twins. really? - god, how time flies! it's not the machine. there's a mismatch on the personnel code numbers. ah there we go! that's a b58. 732 when it should be a t47. 215 . tuttle . he should have 31.06, debited against his account for electrical procedures, not buttle. it's not our mistake! information retrieval. expediting has put in for electrical procedures in respect of buttle, archibald, shoe repair operative, but security has invoiced admin for tuttle, archibald, heating engineer don't worry. i've told you before. i'd turn it down. really. what a bitch! i just wish you would stop interfering, mother! i don't want promotion. i'm happy where i am. huh! my god, it works. you're not listening, mother. what is it? are we? mother, i thought we were going to be able to talk . oh god, she's got what's he name with her. a steak, please. rare. mother, i need to . i don't know which numero. mother, will you listen to this isn't rare! look - please - i'm sorry - but honestly, mother, this is - what? now? it's my lunch hour. mother! stop this! i'm not being promoted. i'm not going to information retrieval! if i want you to stick your oar in, mother, i'll tell you where to stick it! look - i've got to get back - i'm sorry. i don' t want dessert. i don't want promotion. i don't want anything. no, nothing. not even dreams! i'm taking you to a safe place. a place where they will never be able to get at us . ever. there's no way they can approach us without being seen. you're safe here. hello - central services - i'm at 579b block l9, northwestern section d - that's exit 1 on green pastures highway at the orange blossom flyover - and i've got trouble with the air- conditioning this is an emergency! yes, but. i've got to have a heating engineer what? how do you know my name? then perhaps you can help me. i've lost someone who . what? you mean you've got . what do i have to do. hello . hello . who's that? what? who is this? what is this? who the hell are you? tuttle! are you from central services? but . i called central services. what? wait a minute, what was that business with the gun? are you saying this is illegal? sorry. wouldn't it be easier just to work for central services? the pace? well i suppose one has to expect a certain amount can you fix it? fine. no. wait here. yes? uh - what? - i . no, not at all. i mean, it's all right. it's fixed. i mean it fixed itself. look, i'm sorry about your wasted journey no you can't. just a minute! have you got a 27b. 6? have you got one or haven't you? i'm sorry, but i'm a bit of a stickler for paper work. where would we be if we didn't follow the correct procedures? thank you. listen . um . i don't want to get involved in any of this. but i work at the ministry of information, and i happen to know that information retrieval have been looking for an archibald tuttle, heating engineer. you wouldn't by any chance be - what do they want you or? thank you very much. how much will it? all clear. hey that's a dead end. what have we got on today? a cheque. tuttle? i've never seen a ministry cheque before. send it to somebody else. send it to buttle. it's his cheque. hang on. he is dead. try next of kin. there we go. mrs. veronica buttle. what's the number on the cheque? into memory. now . central banking . buttle, veronica . deposit problem. she doesn't have a bank account. you'd never get away with it. besides, you can't do that to somebody's refund. it's christmas. there is one more option. drive out to mrs buttle, give her the cheque, tell her to sign her name on the back, cash it at the corner sweet shop. i'll do it for you. authorise the cheque. what's the address? call the motor pool and authorise personal transport. here we are. pink and blue receipts. all you've got to do is sign these and the back of the cheque. here. that's it. don't mention it. see you later. excuse me. can you tell me . mrs buttle uh, mrs buttle? mrs buttle . are you mrs buttle? my name is lowry - sam lowry. i'm from the ministry of information. i've come to give you a cheque. it's a refund . i'm afraid there was a mistake. yes. not my department . i'm only records. it seems that mr buttle was overcharged by information retrieval. i don't think they usually make mistakes . but, er . i suppose we're all human. er . i assure you mrs buttle, the ministry is always very scrupulous about following up and eradicating error. if you have any complaints which you'd like to make, i'd be more than happy to send you the appropriate forms. um . look, i'm very sorry, but i'm afraid i don't know anything about it . i'm really just delivering the cheque. er . if you wouldn't mind signing these receipts i'll go and leave you in peace. uh . it's you . it's you . wait! stop! come back!! girl . fair hair . wait! it was nothing to do with me! go away. what? . jill? jill who? jill who? jill layton . you're a very good little girl. what are you doing here? he will be pleased when he comes home. a "personnel" transporter? they've got it wrong. i had a personal transporter. i'll do the paperwork tomorrow - i delivered it. yes. damn! blast! you don't happen to know how i can get around an irq. 3 do you? i know that. i've go to accept that promotion to get behind this, haven't i? i never signed the form. what! shit! yes . no . i don't, know. what the - ? how did you - ? i haven't got an emergency. get out of here. what is it? what? i fixed it myself. hang on! wait a minute! you can't just go and leave it like this! er . thanks . oh . thank you very much, mother, but actually - oh, right . aren't you a bit late? - the party started half an hour ago. yes, it was . very nice . thank you. mother? is that you? is mr helpmann here? i want to talk to him. actually, i've decided . congratulations . really? whatever happened to you? actually, there's someone i want to meet . i . uh . can i get you a drink, shirley? look . shirley . your mother . and my mother . they seem to have got the idea . i mean, i'm terribly flattered, of course, but, um, the thing is, i don't want you to be under any false . hello, jack! hello, alison. you look different. er, i knew you looked different. what? - oh, yes - vividly. i used to wonder if they were real. your ears? quite, absolutely - i always thought they were false. that's all right mr helpmann. glad to help. well, i . sorry . mr helpmann. i've changed my mind. i'd like to accept the transfer - am i too late? well . well, i . my name is sam lowry. i have to report to mr warren. er, don't you want to search me? my i.d. cards. but i could be anybody. i'm lowry, mr warren . sam lowry. hello. sam lowry. ah. would you mind if i borrowed your computer console? i'll bring it back in ten minutes. yes. alright. there's someone i want to check out. a woman called gillian layton. i know her age and distinguishing marks. but i need an address or a place of work or something what? look, let me use the console for a few minutes. you haven't switched it on. gillian layton, age twenty three, eyes, blue, hair, black, weight, one hundred and twenty-one pounds, distinguishing marks, blemish on right shoulder, scar on left elbow but i already knew this! gillian layton - suspect s. 5173. truck driver! all enquiries, reference officer 412. l - room 5001. that's what i wanted to know. thank you very much. what's that? i'm looking for officer 412. l. excuse me. are you officer 412. l? er, excuse me! excuse me. jack!! are you officer 412. l? thanks. are you officer 412. l? yes, thanks. ah . i don't want to take up your time now, but i was hoping you could give me some information on somebody. it's a security level three matter and information retrieval records says to refer to you. i've got numbers all over these - i'm not sure which is the one you want. what is it? am i? how do you mean? not much. not really, no. b58. 732, that's a. buttle isn't it? no, no, i don't. i'm just beginning honestly. sorry, carry on. you got the wrong man. you killed him? i'm sure you have so how ? what has tuttle done? he's a freelance subversive? what's she done? er . no. er . but i would've found out anyway. tell me about layton. a terrorist? ah . thanks. but surely, i mean, perhaps she just happened to live above the buttles, and . right. er, you're not going to keep calling her barbara, are you? look, about the layton woman - maybe she's just trying to help the buttle family. why? hell, not for any reason . out of kindness. so what are you going to do about her? you mean you're going to invite her in so that she can spill the beans inside the department? let me try to get to her. i'll deactivate her. trust me. you do trust me, don't you? and you're mine. then we'd better keep this business just between the two of us. they weren't at school with us. take her off the list. say it was a mistake. well, i'd better get out there and try to get to her before security does. let me borrow her dossier for a while. thanks, jack. i'll be in touch. trust me. sorry, i'm in a hurry. shit . it's here somewhere. my name's lowry, sam lowry - expediting . can't this wait? sorry, it'll have to wait. stop! let her go! well done . uh . excellent work . quick thinking. i'll take charge of her now . come with me, please. don't look back! act naturally! ow! that hurt! oh, god . no! well done, that's it . let's go! vrmmm. vrmmm. what are you doing? for christ's sake! get moving! sam lowry. hello. this sounds insane, i know, but i've been dreaming about you. even before i saw you you were in my dreams. weird isn't it. i mean . i don't know what it means . but it might mean something . mightn't it? i hope so. anyway you're in danger and i think we should get out of here, now, quick! come on! bloody hell! do as i say! please! alright! alright! alright! i'm information retrieval officer - dz. 015, and i'm arresting you for - your own good! now start up and get moving before i hand you back to them! us. them. i don't know . just get going. oh, sorry. this is amazing . for me . being here with you. i mean, in my dreams you . oh. but . look, i'm sorry i shouted at you. i don't know. hey, that's not a very nice thing to say. you know, smoking's bad for you. yes, of course. sorry. yes. ceiling. why did you run away? why? why not? what? ah . er . it looks as if you're taking me. where are you taking me? what's going on here? ok. what's in the parcel? it's heavy. i'd rather trust you. looking for you. really. suit me? what do you mean? would you rather have terrorists? things would be worse without information retrieval. well, no system is. well, all wars do - well, terrorists of course. actual. terrorists? well . it's only my first day. what? i thought you were free to come and go as you please. every day? turn around! they'll be there waiting. security. no. please. they're going to arrest you. yes . but, this is real. now, stop! will you please turn back. turn! i was right! step on it! now you're the one that's out of your mind. oh god! what have we done? it wasn't supposed to happen like this. "and your children all gone." "lady bird, lady bird, fly away home, your house is on fire and your children all gone" . do you think anyone's hurt? this is a hell of a time to buy a nightie. please, jill . i love you. there are plenty of other safe places. why don't we go back to my flat? you've got to trust me. it sounds silly but i know we were meant to meet. i vas just trying to help. i decided to trust you. maybe i was wrong. whose side are you on really? who are your friends? who was the man who gave you the parcel? what's in it? it's the only thing you saved from the lorry . it must he something very special. it's a bomb isn't it? i'm going to open it! ah . hello, mrs terrain. sam lets go of the parcel and pushes jill away. she moves off. i think that'll hold it. hello shirley. just helping someone tie up a christmas present. how are you? er, yes . are you alright? you don't deserve to be! you should be dead, or maimed like them . how could you ? what a bloody stupid thing . i should. have made you open it in the lorry don't touch her!! where is she? is she here? jill! jill! are you there?! is here a girl here? tall, fair hair, blue eyes? i've got to find her! jill! jill! jill! jill! mr warren . i have to find out about . lime, i need to use your computer shit! come off it, jack! of course you can check to see if she's been arrested. she's innocent, jack --- she's done nothing wrong. you don't really think tuttle and the girl are in league? it could all be coincidental. jack, she's innocent! yes we have, jack! jill! what are you do . i mean . how did you . are you alright? what happened to you after . no. no. i'm fine. i was worried sick about you . i thought . are you sure? c'mon, we've got to get you off the streets. for god's sake, what's happened? what have you done to my flat? what is it? c'mon. we've got to get out of here. my mother said it would be all right. well, she's my mother, not yours. how long will she he away? thank you, matthews. make yourself at home. don't answer the phone or open he door to anyone. i won't be long. i'm going to pull some strings. it's our only hope. thanks for the vote of confidence. excuse me, dawson, can you put me through to mr helpmann's office? and you can't tell me what the proper channels are, because that's classified information? thank you, dawson. mr helpmann? are you there? hello? jill? you don't exist any more. i've killed you. jill layton is dead. everything is going to be all right. she's dead. check the list! jill!!! where's jill? what have you done with jill? where's jill? what's happened to jill? i'm not guilty! not guilty you stupid bastar. where's jill? what have you done to her? where is she?! yes, you've got to get me out of here. i've got to find her. help me! this is all a mistake! don't you understand?! i'm not a terrorist! you must know that! i'm not guilty! get me out of here! please, i've got to find jill. dead? no, no . i did that. jack? jack?. jack? jack, i'm innocent! help me. this is all a mistake. jack, please take that mask off. what? help me, jack! i'm frightened! jack . jack!! . you can't . no, don't! where is she? what? . oh . mother? . what . what's . you've got to help me . i don't dream anymore.