i'm sorry but . {suddenly unctious) oh, but of course . ah yes, the lady is waiting. between you and me, madam, today the number two. between you and me, mademoiselle, today the number one. madam lowry? a most perceptive choice, madam, if i may say so. monsieur? monsieur. quel numero. numero, trois. numero huit, braised veal in wine sauce. numero deux, duck a l'orange. numero une, crevettes la mayonaaise. numero trois, steak. monsieur, mesdames, bon appetit. ah, yes, mr lowry. it's so good you could make it. right this way. mrs lowry? mrs lowry is . madam . cut to woman turning, half in flirtatious conversation. it is sam's mother, but miraculously another twenty years younger and . a parody of sam's dream girl.