yes . no . send that back . wrong department . of course . of course not . yes . no . maybe. cancel that . okay . put half as terrorists, the rest as victims . yes . yes . no . definitely no . ah. lowry . yes. . no, cancel that . glad to have you aboard . yes . no . don't be ridiculous jenkins . yes, yes, yes . you'll like it up here . send that back . we've got a crack team of . are they kidding? . decision makers . no, in triplicate . i'm expecting big things . two copies to finance . of you . send that to security . uh, uh, uh. uh, don't let progress see this . between you and me, lowry, this . no, no . department . tell records to get stuffed . is about to be upgraded and . ah, here we are! what do you think? your very own number. on your very own door . and behind that door . your very own office. congratulations, dz. 015, welcome to the team. ah, lowry, glad i caught you . no, send it back for . are you settling down? . i want this order rescinded . there's a query on a personnel transporter you took out from the pool . tell them no, tell them yes, . or was it a personnel carrier you took out from transportation . send that up to security . some kind of eight-wheel- half-track, was it? . tell him i want to see him . send round the paperwork, lowry . arrange a conference on that one . anyway, tidy it up, lowry, there's a good chap - get a new suit. did you want the lift? this is a black eye for the department, lowry! . and i don't care how you behaved when you were at records! information retrieval is an executive branch! we're proud of our reputation and we protect it! shut up! i don't know what's going on here, lowry, but don't think you can intimidate us with your friends and relatives in high places! now shape up!