nice car. air, c.d., leather -- i guess you sprung for the whole nine yards. then again, out here, what you really need's a c.b. radio. 'course, if you use a c.b., you gotta have a handle. how about shit-for-brains? you damn near killed us back there, boy. the hell i did. i saw what happened. yeah. i bet you don't. howdy, ma'am. caught this fellow tryin' to steal your cherokee. out of the car! put your hands where i can see 'em! i said get out, dammit! now! jumps in the ram and takes off in pursuit. jerks the ram to a halt, leaps out and runs to the edge of the road to look down on the cherokee in the river. sonofabitch. fuck! goddammit. he's getting away! he's in the water! i just saw him! you try chasing. through this shit. he coming around? we been fucked with, is what i think. little slut lied to us. put 'em on the spot, they'll say anything to stay alive. get out. don't try anything stupid. toss the envelope on the seat. wrong, asshole. first you give me the money, then you find out. unless you want me to shoot you dead right here on the highway. now lift your shirt and jacket and turn around. turn around, hands behind your back, and step toward the truck. now get up in the truck, knees on the floor. do it now! 'let her go.' do i look like i have her? it's done. i'm heading in. gotcha. you gotta be the dumbest motherfuck yet. you think we picked you out of the blue? new car, massachusetts plates -- probably be days before anyone misses you. hell, you shoulda got the bumper sticker that goes with it: 'rich assholes looking for trouble!' i'd have loved to see the look on your face when that car seized up. help, help, i ain't got no power! you know what i'm gonna do first with your money, boy? well, do you? i'll give you a hint. only one thing smells better than money. you wanta guess what? what the hell? these are. it's nothing but singles. you lyin' sonofabitch! aaagghh! fuck you! i don't know! stop! she's with billy. i don't know! driving around! to the truck stop. main highway. texaco. yeah! just don't shoot me, officer! he's crazy, i tell you!