done. sniper. high-rise. top floor. window in the middle. he sees her. i said he sees her. no. no. sniper! sniper! sni-- just stands there, a shattered expression. the camera hangs at his side. he stares at the dead woman as a pool of dark blood expands around her body. me too. this is it. sure. there's nothing to talk about. i told you. i quit. walked out. end of story. you don't understand. it was different this time. i talked to reynolds. he thinks i could still get the job at the san diego station. think of it. low pressure, a steady paycheck. so i shoot city council meetings -- how bad could it be? who's running? it's good money, full benefits. i'm tired of freelance. we could finally put some money in the bank. throw what away? don't you get it? i don't do anything. i sit, i watch, i film -- i let it happen. no, amy. it's my excuse. that girl. it's like i was paralyzed. i wanted to do something, but i didn't. i just stood there and watched her get killed. please, babe, i need this. say yes and we'll take as long as you want -- drive cross-country and make a vacation out of it. what do you say? sorry. i took my eyes off the road. i'll pull over next chance we get. sorry. thanks. i guess. is that right? look, i'm sorry, i didn't see you. you pulled out in front of me. how about if we just forget it, okay? i'm sorry it happened. i don't want any trouble. nothing. guy in the truck. thinks i tried to hit him. c'mon, let's go. later. just get in. no, let's just go. i told you. nothing. the guy was an asshole. what'd you get? you kidding. it's probably gourmet cuisine around here. i dunno. sell 'em for thirty cents each and pay off this car. i don't know. look, amy, i'm not -- sonofabitch!! my camera! he stole my camera! the redneck at the gas station! he lifted it right under my nose! my brand new nikon. goddammit. what's the use. he's probably halfway to bumblefuck now, the bastard. what the hell? nothing. i -- hang on -- i can't steer! ow! i'm fine. i said i'm fine, okay? what's it look like? i'm trying to fix the car. what? look, i really don't want to go into this right now. i'm changing jobs, our finances are fucked, and we're stuck in the middle of nowhere. so could we maybe just fix the -- christ, not these guys. asshole. what the hell? i don't know. yeah. our car broke down. thanks, i'd appreciate it. amy, you want to steer? think you could radio a tow truck for us? how far is that? oh. it's a new car. nice of you to offer. but we've got a lot of stuff in the car. i think we're better off waiting for a cop to come along. we don't know this guy. amy, i've got my equipment in the car. all our stuff. what if those guys come back and we're not here? jesus. don't be stupid. what do you think you're doing? you're not riding with that guy. end of story. oh for christ's sake. excuse me. i was supposed to meet my wife here. dark hair, slender, about five- five. wearing a pale blue benetton shirt. benetton shirt. it would've been within the last half hour. she might've been with a trucker? guy with a baseball cap. driving an eighteen wheeler. you sure? could she have left a message with another one of your employees? i don't understand. is there another belle's diner? shit. excuse me, how far is the next town? look, if my wife comes in -- her name is amy -- tell her i was here. tell her to stay put till i get back, not to move. would you do that, please? c'mon, you fat-ass. pull over. pull over! pull over! i was signaling you to stop. didn't you see me? where's my wife? my wife. where is she? i checked at the diner. no one saw her there. you gave her a ride. you were supposed to drop her at belle's diner. how can you not remember? it was just half an hour ago, for chrissakes! your radio works -- what the hell are you doing -- ? amy? amy?! you in there? i want my fucking wife, is what i want! what have you done to her?! officer, i need your help! i don't know, this guy has my wife! i don't know what the hell's going on. last time i saw her she was with this guy in his truck. now he's saying he's never seen her! don't lie, you son of a bitch! our car broke down. this guy stopped to help us, said he'd drive my wife to a pay phone. but she never showed up. he's lying! are we gonna keep looking or what? whoa, whoa -- wait a sec. that's it? you're not going to question him anymore? go to hell, you sonofabitch -- it was him. it was this truck. no. i wasn't paying attention. what does that have to do with anything? i don't believe this. my wife did not leave me. this is insane. you're just going to let him go? i want your name and badge number. don't tell me what's necessary, goddamnit. i'm noting the exact time of this conversation. 10:52 two months old. yes. did she come in? you didn't see her, or she didn't come in? amy? i want to see your order slips. you write down the names. i want to see them. if my wife came in here, then her name's in that pile. let me see the fucking slips. please, i need the phone -- i have to call the police! how'd you know? did you see her? please, if you know something, anything, tell me. what? when? no one's going to hurt you, billy. just tell me what you saw. yes. another truck? with who? do you know where they went? where by the river? who doesn't? the bartender? the men in the truck? billy, i need you to come to the police. if you tell them what you saw, they'll be able to help me. c'mon. work, goddammit. fuck. yes. hello, steve? it's jeff taylor. listen, i -- don't put me on hold! i need a favor. i've gotta talk to that friend of yours at the f.b.i. no, it's about amy, she's missing -- i said amy's been -- fuck! yes, i'm still here. no -- don't call back -- steve?! steve?! goddammit! shit! swears, panicking. cranks the wheel and brakes hard. the rear end of the cherokee swings wide to the edge of the road. guns the engine. the cherokee bounces wildly on the rutted, storm-damaged road. he yanks the four-wheel- drive lever. guns the engine on the washboard road surface, the vibration nearly shaking the suspension apart while -- throws the cherokee into a sharp turn in the road. as the car rounds the bend, he looks up, reacting, as -- brakes wildly. to his right, a cliff goes straight up; on the left, a guardrail protects a steep ravine. clings to the wheel, tossed about violently, as suitcases and packing boxes go everywhere. ducks back inside the cherokee, freaking. where is she? there's some. yeah. i don't -- there's different accounts. the balance fluctuates. ninety thousand. ninety thousand dollars. what do you want? you sonofabitch -- how do i know she's still alive? lowers the binoculars and looks at red. i need to see the manager. i need a wire transfer from my bank in boston. what? right. here's my driver's license, credit card if you need it, my account number in boston. how long is this going to take? yes, i'm fine. look, that account only has $5,000 in it. how much can you advance me on my credit card? my credit card. i've got a $6,000 limit. can you advance me the whole $6,000? yes, i'm fine. just. transfer the money, okay? look, i'm going to tell you something. whatever happens, just keep filling out that form, okay? there are people watching -- just. transfer the money. would you tell the manager i want the money in these denominations? i'm here. the whole thing. ninety thousand. when do i see my wife? no. first you tell me where she is. i gave you the money. now let her go. what the hell -- where is she, goddammit? what'd you do with her? where is she?! you like that? how about this? four wheel anti-lock brakes, you sonofabitch! you want to try 'em again? how about an emergency stop? you want to try that, earl? where is she? fuck you, you don't! is that what you want? you really want me to stop? 'cause i bet this baby stops on a dime! end of the line, earl! how about it? you gonna tell me? yeah? where's that? where were you taking the money? where? i know where she is! my wife! you don't understand! she's been kidnapped! officer, please. you gotta listen to me -- runs alongside the farm truck, using it as a shield. he overtakes the truck, cuts across its path. the farmer blares his horn. hello? can you hear me? this is jeff taylor. i need to talk to the deputy. the name is jeffrey taylor. i just witnessed your sheriff being shot. now put someone on, goddammit! hello? amy? amy, can you hear me? amy? hang on, baby. they're in the house; i can't use the lights. i'm gonna get you out. fuck! it's not working. if i make any more noise, they'll hear. i'm going to get you out of there, amy. i love you. please, god, let her still be alive. fuck you, asshole. give me the key. give me the fucking key! don't mister me, you sonofabitch! my wife is locked in a hole in your fucking barn! you don't give me the key, i'll blow your fucking head off! your husband's a kidnapper and a murderer is what's going on! did you know that about him? huh? ever wonder where all this stuff comes from? you don't want to do that, kid. just put the gun down. put the gun down. i understand that, deke. i'm not gonna hurt mommy. but if you pull that trigger, there's a chance i'll still kill your father. no, deke, don't listen to him. he's wrong. deke, no -- ! don't fucking move! deke? deke? get on your feet! it's okay, kid. go over there, stand next to your mother. hurry up. okay. on your feet. now, everybody! let's go. out. okay. reach into your pocket and hand the key to your wife. do it. okay, now unlock it. good. now give me the keys. deke, push the door open. quickly. that's enough, deke. let's go. move it. deke, i need you to open this. it's okay, deke. there's a freezer down there with a woman in it. i need you to let her out. deke! you at the freezer? okay. you're almost done. just open it up, let the woman out. you got that swiss army knife your dad gave you? good man. use that. make sure you don't hurt her. you better pray she's all right. amy!!! amy, come up here! i know, baby. it's okay. they can't hurt you now. okay. everybody in the cellar. do it! go to hell. let's get out of here. amy, no! it's not safe -- one of them's still loose. c'mon -- this way! hello? hello? anybody home? hello? anyone home? c'mon, c'mon. take it. we may need to get out of here -- hello! this is jeff taylor. i'm reporting an emergency. i don't know the address, the house belongs to a red barr -- i mean, warren something. no, i don't know his name! no -- he kidnapped my wife, he's locked in a barn. jeffrey taylor. if you contact the police in -- amy?! c'mon! what the fuck?! cranks the wheel. get down! raises the pistol and fires! lets out a cry as they carom off the cadillac. blood flows in a trickle down his neck. amy sees it, panicking. it's glass! use the rifle! hang on! slams against the wheel. amy is thrown against the dashboard. the ford is being propelled downhill by the peterbilt. jams the pistol through the rear pass-through window and fires at red in the truck. bullets ping off the grille. you all right? yeah? what is it? what do you mean? c'mon, amy, push! push, goddammit! scales the cab, finding more handholds. he climbs past the passenger door. climbs higher. the peterbilt slips again. below, red loses his grip and almost falls. c'mon, amy, it's all you now. you can do it. i won't, baby. i won't ever let you go. how's the sheriff? what about the leader? name it.