what's your problem? calm down, sir. tell me what's going on. all right -- everybody just calm down. sir, you want to tell me what happened? sir? and you didn't give his wife a ride? sir, all right with you if i search your truck? that won't be necessary yet. just stand back behind the line. both of you. all right, let's see your license and registration. what are you hauling today, mr. barr? long way to go empty. yes, we are. sir, i'm gonna have to see everything. those yours? no. i think we're pretty much done here. you're free to go. sir, i searched the truck. there's no evidence of suspicious activity, no sign of struggle. hey! hey! you want to get arrested? now the man has a point. this is a plain-looking, john doe truck. maybe you did get them mixed up. hey! mr. taylor, either you come down from there or i'm going to have to arrest you. uh-huh, i can see that. did you get a license plate? what about the information on the door panel. you recall any of that? mr. taylor, did you by any chance have a beef with your wife today? well, for starters, maybe she left you. i've seen it a hundred times. lovers, married couples, gay guys. you put two people in a car long enough, they'll go at it. hell, i've even seen men dump their women on the side of the road, and vice versa. i understand. go ahead, sir. i appreciate your cooperation. i've got his information. if we need to find him later, we'll know where to look. sir, i believe you that your wife is missing. maybe you got confused about what truck she got into, maybe you had a fight -- you don't have to tell me. the point is i'm trying to help. the town of brackett's 31 miles that way. my deputy's name is len carver. he's a good man. he'll help you fill out the necessary forms if you want to report your wife missing. if you want my opinion, your wife is probably around here. lost or plenty pissed off and giving you a scare. either way, she'll turn up. 10-4, dispatch. tell her i'm on my way. sheriff arthur boyd. 226-93. this really isn't necessary -- suit yourself, mr. taylor. what the hell? repeat, i am in pursuit of a dodge ram pickup. request back-up, repeat, request back-up! jesus christ -- dispatch! suspect identified as one jeffrey taylor, repeat, jeffrey taylor! drop the gun! i understand plenty. now get down on the ground or i'll shoot! you there -- in the pickup! you all right? can you get out? well, get out dammit! shut up. c'mon out, sir. it's safe -- shots fired. officer down. suspect.