yeah, mom already reemed me, alright? hey, yer not urinating in here man! you whip it out and you're dead before the first drop hits the floor! hey! hey! if i lose my temper, you're totalled man! totally! really! buttface! look, just because you live in here doesn't give you the right to be a pain in the ass. so knock it off! enough! scumbag! so why don't you just shut up! there's four other people in here you know. who the hell are you to judge anybody anyway? you know, bender. you don't even count. i mean if you disappeared forever it wouldn't make any difference. you may as well not even exist at this school. no, they wouldn't take you. hey let's watch the mouth, huh? look, you guys keep up your talking and vernon's gonna come right in here. i got a meet this saturday and i'm not gonna miss it on account of you boneheads. well you wouldn't know anything about it, faggot! you never competed in your whole life! ahhh. you'd never miss it. you don't have any goals. yeah? no i don't wear tights, i wear the required uniform. shut up! drop dead, i hope! cut to: that's very funny, come on, fix it! no, you're an asshole! fix the door bender! no! fix the door, get up there and fix it! it just closed, sir. that's real intelligent. speak for yourself. hey, you grounded tonight? big party at stubbies, parents are in europe. should be pretty wild. yeah, can you go? how come? you're just feeling sorry for yourself. aw. you're breaking my heart. what? well if i say yes, i'm an idiot, right? you know something, man. if we weren't in school right now, i'd waste you! why do you have to insult everybody? yeah well, he's gotta name! yeah, what's your name? see. leave her alone! i said leave her alone! yeah. just me, just you and me. two hits. me hitting you, you hitting the floor! anytime you're ready, pal! why not? chicken shit. let's end this right now. you don't talk to her. you don't look at her and you don't even think about her! you understand me? shit! cut to: here? well i think the cafeteria would be a more suitable place for us to eat lunch in, sir! we're extremely thirsty sir. i've seen her dehydrate sir, it's pretty gross. so, what's your poison? what do you drink? okay. forget i asked. vodka? when do you drink vodka? a lot? is that why you're here today? why are you here? um, i'm here today. because uh, because my coach and my father don't want me to blow my ride. see i get treated differently because uh, coach thinks i'm a winner. so does my old man. i'm not a winner because i wanna be one. i'm a winner because i got strength and speed. kinda like a race horse. that's about how involved i am in what's happening to me. forget it! cut to: what's your problem? alright, what about your family? that's real easy! that's bullshit. it's all part of your image, i don't believe a word of it. no. did i stutter? how would i know, i mean he lies about everything anyway! cut to: beats me. i dunno. you ask me one more question and i'm beating the shit out of you! slob! screw that bender. put it back! shut up! you better be right, if vernon cuts us off it's your fault, asshole! no, the activities hall. no you don't know what you're talking about! now we're through listening to you, we're going this way. shit! fuck you! uh, what ruckus? what noise? yo waistoid. you're not gonna blaze up in here! shit. no no man, no; you got a middle name? wow! are you psychic? a what? alright, let's see it! this is the worst fake id i've ever seen. do you realize you made yourself sixty eight? what do you need a fake id for? holy shit! what is all that stuff? well everyone's home lives are un- satisfying. if it wasn't, people would live with there parents forever. what's the deal? wait a minute, now you're carrying all that crap around in your purse. either you really wanna run away or you want people to think you wanna run away. hi, you wanna talk? why not? where do you want me to go? oh, i have problems? okay, fine. but i didn't dump my purse out on the couch and invite people into my problems. did i? so what's wrong? what is it? is is bad? real bad? parents? what do they do to you? yeah. yeah. what would i do for a million bucks? well, i guess i'd do as little as i had to. well, how'm i s'posed to answer? um, uh. would i have to get out of the car? in the spring, or winter? in front of the school or in back of the school? yes. and what'd he do when you told him? she's a tease. you're a tease and you know it, all girls are teases! be honest. answer the question, claire! you're just pissed off because she got you to admit something you didn't want to admit to. what's bizarre? i mean we're all pretty bizarre! some of us are just better at hiding it, that's all. she's right. do you guys know what, uh, what i did to get in here? i taped larry lester's buns together. yeah, you know him? well then you know how hairy he is, right? well, when they pulled the tape off, most of his hair came off and some, some skin too. and the bizarre thing is, is that i did it for my old man. i tortured this poor kid, because i wanted him to think that i was cool. he's always going off about, you know, when he was in school. all the wild things he used to do. and i got the feeling that he was disappointed that i never cut loose on anyone, right. so, i'm. i'm sitting in the locker room, and i'm taping up my knee. and larry's undressing a couple lockers down from me. yeah. he's kinda. he's kinda skinny, weak. and i started thinking about my father, and his attitude about weakness. and the next thing i knew, i uh, i jumped on top of him and started wailing on him. and my friends, they just laughed and cheered me on. and afterwards, when i was sittin' in vernon's office, all i could think about was larry's father. and larry havin' to go home and. and explain what happened to him. and the humiliation. fucking humiliation he mustuv felt. it mustuv been unreal. i mean, i mean, how do you apologize for something like that? there's no way. it's all because of me and my old man. oh god, i fucking hate him! he's like this. he's like this mindless machine that i can't even relate to anymore"andrew, you've got to be number one! i won't tolerate any losers in this family. your intensity is for shit! win. win! win!!!" you son of a bitch! you know, sometimes, i wish my knee would give. and i wouldn't be able to wrestle anymore. and he could forget all about me. i can. uh. tape all your buns together. all right, great! where'd you learn to do that? you fucking prick! my god, are we gonna be like our parents? no. that's a real nice attitude, claire! no way! why'd you have a gun in your locker? what's the gun for brian? you brought it up, man! really? no! yeah. what happened to you? nothing's wrong, it's just so different. i can see your face. it's good! and an athlete.