come to see the show? kisses the freshman's forehead, purring. stay. don't be mean. i'm listening. get me my purse. hurry! you were a freshman once. eating with? you're a cutie. guess you're up from the underneath then. the whole jerr thing blown over. lucky strikes, you and your partner get bulled, you come up clean. but i guess you were always the brains of the outfit.1 sometimes i wonder why i dumped you. i don't know where she's at, brendan. maybe i'm looking out for you. brendan. you looking to get back into things? i could use you. hey brendan. here for the show? would you go then, honey, cause i've got this headache. you don't know dode's brand. the story about what? the story about what? i don't know what- at the stage door, not slowing. brad bramish? through the door and into the theater. brendan brendan brendan! oooh, getting feisty. last time we talked you were giving ultimate-tims. all part of your plan? i feel so cheap and used. whatever happened to us, brendan? we were a pair and a half for a few months, weren't we? sometimes i miss having someone i can talk to. you ever miss having someone? i guess you must. you better be sure you wanna know whatcha wanna know. you didn't, did you? brendan. did you hear about dode? i don't know what you're talking about. sit down, you're a mess. russ, go get my shoes from the wardrobe locker, would you sweetie? what are you doing?