i like a man who knows what he's drinking. brad's not a good guy to get on the wrong side of. fearless flyer. quit your yappin and fix me one. i'll never get through all this. i knew your old partner jerr since grade school. tough break. how long were you two joined up before your operation got the sting? was he? yeah i did. so why are you here tonight? she wasn't invited. well like you said, i've got to work on that. em's been awol for a good month, nobody's seen her. nearly nobody's seen her. so what did she tell you? listen, you're scratching at the wrong door. i wasn't with emily enough to know details of what she was in, i just got wind of the downfall, and i didn't get any details of that, except that it was bad. so now that we're showing some cards. keep up with me now. i don't know, but it sounded like you did, and a body's got a right to be curious. now i'm not so sure. coffee and pie. and you didn't hear it from me. you'll stay right here and wait -- i'll be five minutes. hey. you're quite a pill. where are you going? why did you take a powder the other night? hold it. i don't get you. that's a chilly heel to be giving a girl who's where you want to know about. i want to help you. i wouldn't have to lead you in by the hand- you're not brad. i'll drive you back. half an hour. it took all of it for me to cool the pin down. you trust me now? come here.1 a few months go by, and the next i hear the pin's raging over a situation with some certain junk em was partial to, and the downfall's coming on em's head. i don't know, but whether she scraped or copped or just ran her tab around the world and into her own back, it must have been grand. i've never seen the pin so hot. i don't know. i'm usually pretty sharp, but. maybe i see what you're doing for emily, trying to help her. and i don't know anyone who would do that for me. what- lie down, brendan- you've got a fever, you've got to go to the hospital or- three forty. you've got to rest, you're feverish. get back in the car, i'm taking you home, you're sick, you need- get back in the car. wait! she comes out of the house with her purse. what's going to happen? tug. he's right, tug. smooth it out. you going? i'm sorry brendan. don't go tonight. it'll play however it plays without you there. why? well let's just, i mean why not just run away. go somewhere. i've got a car. i've got an aunt in new orleans, she wouldn't care. yeah, it's a stupid thing, but think about it, why not? what, school? c'mon. family? i wasn't serious, but we could go for awhile. just until everything clears. did you see it all? with tug and the pin? no? the papers say six dead, three around the house, one girl in the trunk of tug's car, and the pin and tug. tug tried to shoot his way out when the police got there. they tied him to dode, too. same gun. and the girl. well good thing you weren't there. you think the girl was emily? you loved her. you did all this cause you loved her. and now it's finished. i love you. what? what are you talking about? tell it to me. no. brendan, why are you- stop it! stop it! it's not! you know me. i've only helped you. how can you - it isn't true! no- i didn't. brendan. don't. done. well. that's most of it. 9 out of 10. i told em to tell tug it was his. told her it would soften him up. she said she wished she could keep it, but she didn't love the father. i was going to drive her down the next day, we'd found a doctor. most wouldn't. she was starting to show. 3 months. you know whose kid that makes it, or have you known all along?