yeah. so now i'm very very curious what you're going to say next. helled if you're gonna go breaking my best clients' noses and expect me to play sandbag. anyway you've been sniffing me out before then, sniffing for me like a vampire bat for a horse no dice, soldier. would have been a neat trick, though. no good, soldier. sorry about this kid, but what the hell with what you said before. thanks, mom. so hows bout we take another snap at hearing your tale? we're cooled off. looky, soldier- give us a few minutes, tug. till he took the fall for you. gee that's tough. i gotcha. what, price? and what are your services exactly, just so i can be specific on the invoice? fair enough. i'll have my boys check your tale, and seeing how it stretches we'll either rub or hire you. you'll know which by end of the day tomorrow. so. tangles. we're doing a thing down at the hole tonight. know it? it's sort of a welcome you in thing. eight o'clock. so i'm going to start you on the dope circles, cleaning up the turkish dues, pulling in the strags. yeah, well. just to see how you handle. anyway there isn't much else doing. i'm tailing out this big deal, but that's almost done. big time. biggest i ever done, and there was a snag in it, but it's almost done now. it's over. it's over enough. you're gonna make me curious, being so curious. he's got my best interests, i know, he's loyal, he just gets hot. you're working for me, not tug, that's all. things can get, you know, it's tough sometimes. twisted, complicated, watching all the, i don't know. everyone's got their thing. you read tolkien? tolkien, the hobbit books? his descriptions of things are really good. he makes you want to be there. pow wowing? good. emily kostich. where she's at now. says we'd want to know. wants to meet. so we'll meet him. four o'clock. emily was tug's girl for awhile. you know emily, didn't you? you've heard she's missing? so maybe you want to come along too. show, maybe we'll find out. four o'clock. dode here says emily kostich is dead. yeah. he says he knows who did it. he says he knows where the body's at. and he says he wants more money than i think the information's worth. plenty, he says. stay. it's still too much. i know my business. it's still too much. tug, stop. everyone's paying social calls. so? the stats are war, soon as the press heat dies. and if you're with him, you're with him. tug's been after my digs from the get go. he was right. i told him to get the straight, no roughing. i wasn't even there. i don't know. we'd have to square everything between us. he owes me some money. yeah, alright. tomorrow? four tonight. you'll be here? i want full assurance that any heat from emily and dode is gonna be on just you. i don't even want my name pulled in the shindig. second, you owe me six cs, no rush, but i want your shake that it'll come home in not too much time. third thing. the last brick. that aint the point. i'm gonna start selling it. how do i know it aint bad? why was the last one? cause someone got greedy. tug here's had the means to swipe half and cut it bad for a long time. now we're splits my loss of trust's retroactive. not good enough. i wanna see him dose it. just to prove it. then we're square. i wanna see it. your not wanting to dose it's telling me something right here. what? fine. tangles. make peace, huh? talk it out? get your boys in my den soes you could snag it under my nose? was it bad, tug? snag it so i don't know, or sell it off to flat the war odds? do him!