you didn't know this boy? and he just hit you? alright brendan. i've been looking to talk to you. fine, and well put. tough teacher? mm. anyway then, we know you're clean, and you've, despite your motives, you've been an asset to us. i think you're a good kid. i want to run a couple names by you. that's not a very helpful- what are you in? hold it, i could - hold it - could write you up for talking back to a vp. for looking at me in a threatening way. i'd exercise a little more tact, mr. frye. you can't pull a play like that unless i need you for something. so do i? so maybe you're gonna need me too. if it's something i can't cover, i won't go to bat for you. okay, here's what i can do. i won't pin you for anything you aren't caught at. i'll ride it a little while, as long as it doesn't get too rough. but if anything comes up with your fingerprints on it, i can't help you. also, if i get to the end of whatever this is and it gets hot and you don't deliver, the veep will need someone to hand over, police- wise. and i'll have you. there better be some meat at the end of this like you say, or at least a fall guy, or you're it. get the hell off my campus, punk! brendan glances around, and limps off. this is trueman. what the hell are you doing out of class? the vp and i needed to ask you a few questions about emily kostich, who you might have heard is missing. it's a very serious thing. the police are involved. the vp and i knew you two were close, so the vp and i came to ask you questions, but you were truant. if you don't have a valid excuse-