okay, units, it's suicide hour. fourteen boy, i show you in the hospital sixty minutes but i know you're in the diner on 14th. put down the burger, i got a call for you around the corner, 14 and 3rd, a man with a noose around his neck and nothing to hang it on. sixteen xray, don't even think about getting coffee, i have a call for you too. you're in luck, x: your patient awaits you with bleeding wrists on avenue c and fourth. sixteen xray, xray. first of all, i want you to know how sorry i am about this. i've always liked you two. a unit above none, a legend in its own lunchtime, so it hurts me deeply to do this but i have no choice. you must go to second and st. marks. in front of a liquor store you'll find a forty year-old male, unconscious, lying next to his wheelchair. do i have to say more? sixteen, sixteen xray. level one emergency. sixteen xray, a man at the bus terminal shot three years ago says his arm hurts.