every large city has a hospital emergency room so replete with trauma, violence and suffering it picks up the sobriquet "knife and gun club." on manhattan's lower east side it's our lady of mercy, aka, our lady of misery. griss holding up his hand: frank finishes his report, hands a copy to the clerk, looks around the now almost empty waiting area. john burke sleeps slumped in one of the chairs. griss stands at his post. ib bangin sitting with nurse constance in triage. past griss, frank talks with dr. hazmat: frank rushing past nurse constance, carrying a newborn in thermal wrap, passing noel restrained on a gurney: saturday night at the knife and gun club: the joint is hopping, the sound system blaring. frank and tom, their shirts blood-stained, pushing noel down skid row, past griss, past nurse constance. tom wheels, frank carries the iv bag.