for god's sake, give me some water. give me some water! excuse me. you are a very kind man. i can see that. a man like you could not refuse a poor sick dying helpless man a small cup of water. water, water, water, doctor man, water. oh doctor, you are the greatest. you must help me. bless you sir, bless you. mary, mary, mary. i'm so thirsty. they won't give me anything to drink. please, mary. oh mary, mary, mary. kill me! see, i can't do it. i came out of the desert. no, no medicine! oh man, do you mean that? thank you man, thank you. how? i think pills. yes, pills, definitely. yes, at the hospital. at the hospital. you told me at the hospital. i want to die. i'm the one. what did you say? excuse me, sir, excuse me, i would please trouble you for one cup of water. the smallest thing in the world to ask for, water. a man is dying and that is me. for days i've eaten nothing but sand, o lord, i waited so long. strawberry ain't shit. drug pussy. me. i swing like reggie. mr. october. number three, game six, world series. here, you try. sure, sure, give go. oh man, bucky.