just keep moving. don't even slow down. sir, you say you've been snorting cocaine for three days and now you feel your heart is beating too fast and you would like us to help you. to tell the truth, i don't see why i should. if i'm mistaken, correct me. did we sell you the cocaine? did we push it up your nose? so you get drunk every day and you fall down. tell me why we should help you when you're going to get drunk tomorrow and fall down again? i would have to register you to give you something to eat and my conscience just will not allow that. griss, the gentleman wants to leave. he looks pale. you're not eating enough. you need more fiber. he just needs a bath and some food. take him in back and see if you can find a stretcher. you put poison in your veins and now that you're breathing again you can't wait to say thank you and go back to poison shopping. well, since we saved your life, maybe you could do us a favor and stop breathing in another city next time . code! code blue! i think there's a pulse. i think. nothing. we're full up tonight, frank. take him straight through.