frank, this the guy you called about? i know him. you give my friend here any trouble and i'll kill you. this looks like a very bad man i took in a couple weeks ago, a man who'd been holding two priests hostage with a screwdriver. i told him if i ever caught him making trouble again i'd kick the murdering life outta him. no prisoners. don't worry, frank, just a little psychological first aid. stay still, dammit! we'll do it. frank, what do you know. it's you and me again tonight, the rough riders, tearing up the streets just like old times. this old bus is a warrior, frank, just like us. i have tried to kill him and he will not die. i have a great respect for that. frank, what you doing back there? come on, frank. there's blood spilling in the streets. yeah. great, isn't it? look up, frank. full moon. the blood's gonna run tonight. i can feel it. our mission: to save lives. ten-four. el toro de oro. blast off. don't worry, kid. tom'll take care of you. put your head out the window, get some of that summer air. listen to the music. el toro de oro. andale. pronto. sixteen xterminator here. we like our coffee bloody. make it good--my partner's dying to help someone. look out! what the hell's going on? hold it. i will not take anyone anywhere against his will. this is america. people have rights. you're lucky you didn't kill him. we're going to hear it straight from the loony's mouth. are you crazy? did you try to bump yourself off? why didn't you say so. sir, i am going to give you some medicine that is still very experimental. it's from nasa, and although the astronauts have been using it for years, we are the first service to try it. i will put this patch on your forehead like this, and in about a minute you will have to relax. you will forget all your suicidal feelings. it's very important that you wear this for a least twenty- four hours and keep checking the mirror. if the patch turns green you have to see the doctor immediately. the side effects could be fatal. we cured him, frank. when we work together there's nothing we can't fix. sounds like they're trying to clean up the bus terminal tonight, hello, hello. major tom to frank, time to come home. where you going? whatja doing? the brakes are shot. you okay? mr. oh. that's all right, we're not meant to do oh tonight. something is going to happen. i can feel it. bingo. ems to central. what was that call? ten-four. one minute out. whadda we bring? the news guys just pulled up. this guy a jumper? get this, frank--we got two patients. number one, the scarecrow outside. number two misses the railing but breaks both legs on the balcony, then throws himself through a glass window, heads to the bedroom, where he's now passed out. i don't think the fire people can touch him out there. i haven't had a chance to see him yet. i'm going to take care of sleeping beauty. get ready, frank. missed a drug shooting while you were dicking around in there. there's gonna be trauma tonight! c'mon, look at your screen. give up some blood! you want some bum in the bus terminal? we'll wait for a real call. who with? what do you want to break? why? you need a reason, frank. you don't just go around breaking people's windows. that's anarchy. let me think. classic cabbie move. hey, swammy, that's called a crosswalk. you stop before it, not on it! i know who to work over. him. this guy's been terrorizing the neighborhood for weeks, ever since he got outta jail, wreaking general havoc, contributing to the bad name of the place. the term "menace to society" was made up for him. well, why don't they put him away? prisons don't want him. i took him to the hospital yesterday and here he is again. look at that. tell me that's a crazy person. every move is calculated. he knows exactly what he's doing. this is the guy. i've been after him for weeks. he's quick, runs like a rat, tough for one person, but with two of us-- if he sees me, he'll run, so i'll get out here. you start talking to him about baseball or something while i sneak around behind and get down and you push him. when he falls we get him. believe me, it always works. the simpler, the better. frank, what the hell are you doing? you go down those stairs there. meet me back here if you can't find him in ten minutes. call out if you see him. get with the program, frank. i got him, frank! to the moon, alice! you little motherfucker! frank! frank! you're crazy. die!