we'll need it in ten minutes. we're putting it directly into. you don't have time. not a chance. i've got to tell ernie. because there isn't enough time. excuse me, ernie, we're several minutes to air and jane's shooting an insert still for tonight's piece. okay. i just wanted you to know. norman rockwell's 'homecoming.' oh, jesus, we have three minutes. why do you do this to me. is it because i won an award? we have a minute and a half. it's my responsibility to tell them we won't be ready. in 84 seconds? you're saying 'oh, god" they are going to go to up and the screen will be black -- they're going to go to black because we're not there. how about careers, huh? how about careers? we're not going to make it. whoops?!? whoops?!? no, please. no, ooh, ahhh, ohhh. i was a little nervous there for a minute. i haven't seen bill smile like that in weeks. ernie, you missed his close. he smiled. thank you. good night. great graphic, great graphic. jane! bill rorish wants to speak to you at the break. i never heard of him handing over compliments in the middle of the show. what did he say? i think it's great of us to have left in what you said -- just great of us. i liked it. he's not afraid to be human. i don't know why we have to feel defensive about it. newspapers are in business to make money -- why not us? they criticize us for supposedly pandering while they run wingo games. goodbye, paul. you think anyone who's proud of the work we do is an ass kisser. my gosh, and for a while there, i was attracted to you. and bobbie says. yes. executive producer -- wow. it's aaron. do you know you're the second woman in network news history to produce? ernie's been looking for you. i've got four hours of french demonstrations -- some of it they use water cannons. i spent a fortune on this. welcome back to washington. they canned me. well, my brother will feel great -- now he's not the only screw-up. except for socially, you're my role model.