could i see how i photograph? 'cause for the interview they're going to use a screen and disguise me to protect my anonymity so could i see myself before that? yes. yes. yes. i was there two years and was promoted on merit nine times. office bimbo. no, i'm sorry. g.s. i don't know. i don't know numbers. i don't like the word gay. ravenous homosexual. great time to act out, buddy. you won't be happy until you turn the whole world off. they're not really going to call security are they? how do i get out of here? you talked me into it. i'm leaving. sir? is there a regular bar around here? bad manners. i know. i mean you didn't do anything special for me tonight. you just had what i think are good manners, decency. and it really makes me want to be nice back and it has nothing to do with any homosexual thing. honestly. because i don't know if you've homosexual or not and -- you're not, are you? one's enough. okay. at least let me show my appreciation. the secretary of labor is going to be indicted on wednesday. for the graft thing he supposedly did before he was appointed. yes, it's true. they're going to make it public wednesday but isn't it a big deal for you to have it a day and a half early? my roommate's very social -- somebody from justice was over and. i always hear things before they happen. hey, and from now on, so do you. and the white house is hoping to keep a lid on it for a few days till they figure out what to do. oh, please. so they were really impressed with you at work. i see the change in you -- i see it. forgive me, but it really is intoxicating being a news source. i wish it were you giving the story. what if we just don't tell them anything anymore unless they let you do the story? okay. and look, in the future i can call you when i have news for you. don't feel you have to spend time with me just to get the information. well, that wasn't as hard to say as you thought, was it, buddy? hoooo. okay. well, then check -- but hurry -- there he is!!! is everything all right? anchor? i broke up with my roommate -- he was really the magnet for everyone who knew anything. look, i can start up with him again if you really. good. he's on the world's longest ego trip, let him take it alone. good-bye then. well, who knows. just let m tell you what my favorite teacher ever, told me -- 'don't be afraid to be wonderful.'