any particular area you feel strongest in? why don't you take a few days observing the system? then we'll put you on general assignment. me too. absolutely. she knows how much time she has. i saw the smile -- good piece. you finally got a piece in a few minutes early and i hear bill loved it. you want to be alone with me -- tell me your source? it's not even a close call. of course we can't go with it. my youngest wanted to meet you. this is ellie. you should be honored -- she never cares about meeting anyone here. but she liked you on television just now. and aaron went on that fourteen day raft trip with us last year. i had the strangest thing happen yesterday. anne and i have been married what? -- thirty-six years. everything fine -- two days after the promotion came through, i was checking myself in the mirror and she was making a face at me behind my back. so yesterday i looked in the mirror and she was doing it again. my instincts tell me not to. this would be a good time to tap that source of yours. he could have an angle or something. we want you to exec produce a special report. a libyan plane shot up one of our bases in egypt. it's all still happening. unfortunately, since paul's here, he's made out the assignments. jennifer at the white house. george at the pentagon. martin at state. and we need an anchor since rorish is in his boat, so we're gonna do the whole report this afternoon from here. with tom. stop it. jane, if you want to, go ahead. i don't disagree with you. great work, jane, really -- you know? really. can i help you? new theme? you don't need me for this. it worked. oh, i was just writing you a note. what do you say we take a walk? yeah -- i don't know if we have any younger man more respected in our operation than you. we know each other well enough for me to care how i put something to you which could wipe you out. so i will phrase things the way i think they should be phrased. all right? anyway. i want you to think of this as. upper management thinks you're dull. aaron, i've never seen them like this -- i think paul's nervous about his own job and for some reason he thinks you only appeal to. i'm no suggesting the worst will happen. but someone with your brilliance gets nibbles about other jobs and maybe, the next time that happens, down the road -- you should look into it. all i know is that they've got to fire a large number of people. and they're not going by seniority. there's a recklessness in the air. they. i could do it this saturday -- everyone wants off for the correspondents' dinner. please prepare carefully. this couldn't come at a better time. it's been a while since you read the news -- i'll have somebody work with you. just on superficial performance things. i understand. i'll go with you. tell me i'm on the way in. hello. yes. would there be any point to my going to new york and talking to them? would there be any point in going over it with you? no, i'm still coming in. they fired me. no. they're firing even more people than they said. some will want to talk. it could help. bye, sweetie. she's in there becoming the first woman bureau chief we've had here. it's what he did. i'm proud of him. the cost-efficient reporter.