sure. why not? look at that smile. oh, that was good and oh my, bill smiled -- he liked it. how come you're not chasing it down yourself? boy, that's nice. i wish we could all deal with each other like this. i'll check it. anything i can do for you? i didn't have the guts to ask when i first came up. i'll get you a great tour. the president says it's not a violation but nonetheless white house sources say the full price will be paid for the peugeot and new rules will put future bargain hunting off limits for presidential aides. this is jennifer mack at the white house. this is very awkward. ummm -- it's dumb dorm stuff but i see tom around you a lot and this is such a small office and i'd like to see him outside of work, unless there's some reason for you to mind. in which case i just won't do anything. you're saying stay away from him. we don't have to settle this definitively right now. well, there's nothing i'm going to do right this second. but it's a party, right? i sure know that feeling. terrific work today. damn all you sons-of-bitches. oh shit, you bastards. sorry. the last time i was with someone we went through this awful mutual disease questionnaire but i guess it beats getting paranoid the next day. okay, i'll go first. i haven't. you know something? i'm deeply complimented. isn't it strange to be deeply complimented because the man you're with doesn't think you have a venereal disease?. give me some of that. through the closet. i converted a bedroom -- this stuff builds up. wait till you've been doing this sixteen years. do you do bunny rabbits? tomorrow the jury returns to this site as each day brings more revelations of horror, four more bodies now taken from the frozen earth. this is jennifer mack in wota hamlet, alaska.