as she dials one room number. briefly departing from text. as she feels tom staring at her -- turns and notices him for the first time. at the bar getting a drink. as she passes a chair with an afghan shawl on the back -- she picks it up and wraps it around herself, a bit chilled. she sees jennifer on the stairs and moves toward her calling in a too loud, anxiety-ridden voice as she goes. as she moves past tom who is talking on the phone, eventually catching up with paul. in the b.g. tom has just heard the "beep" of an answering machine. as the sound of news theme vocalizing picks up one more. jane moving quickly, hailing a cab. behind the door, trying to hide the glow in her eyes. probing her own ambivalence -- or, to be more accurate, working towards a positive stance. as she silently mouths the words -- "smile and move and smile and move." which is exactly what he's doing. then a contract with the gods. anxiety stripped away revealing a first glimpse of jane as a joyous pretty young woman. she hangs up the phone. then compulsively hits the "tom" button again. busy. and again. busy. she considers for a moment hitting the button next to aaron's name. as she embraces an older secretary. watching him go. shielding her eyes from the sun -- now making out tom. as they reach her. smiling, appreciating aaron's attitude toward a blandishment of the powerful.