okay, that's your opinion. i don't agree. you're just absolutely right and i'm absolutely wrong? it must be nice to always believe you know better. to think you're always the smartest person in the room. not now!!! look. i had no idea she was this good. he was brilliant. i've never been as proud of one of my decisions. this was important for tom -- there's that bonding thing that happens with the public and an anchorman during a crisis. it's not the conventions anymore; it's this kind of moment. what a baptismal. congratulations. stay. why should i be the only one to feel silly? go ahead. wasn't he great? anyway, they seem to be very serious about making me out eight million from the budget and that means massive firings. i'm doing everything i can. it's too early to make up a 'death list' but i just wanted you to be aware of the situation. we're also going to cover the alaskan serial killer trial on a continuing basis. i'd like it done out of washington which means we've got to get somebody on a plane for anchorage. we can't fool around anymore. jane. so this is why you wouldn't do the weekend new, you can't turn down a free meal. i'll see you two inside -- i think we're all at the same table. you're finally learning to be flexible. glad you changed your mind about tom. almost immediately. bill. this is hard on all of us and it's no time for compliments. but i think it's extraordinary of you to come down here for this. you can make it a little less brutal by knocking a million dollars or so off your salary. just a bad joke. i'm sorry. awful. it's a miserable day and that was some kind of totally sick-joke defense mechanism which does not indicate any of my feelings -- not one -- but just shows the kind of stress this represents for all of us. that's wonderful. what a lovely line. if there's anything i can do. tom. we're having a severe cutback, tom -- 17 people in this bureau including technical personnel and we're going to reorganize at the same time. we're going to take you out of washington for a while and assign you to london.