no. not even you. i don't know. no, nothing. i've got a problem, i guess. no. but, honest. what are you supposed to say when they keep talking about your looks? i don't even know what they mean -- "beat them off with a stick." proud? i'm just embarrassed that i like when they say those things. it's not. i got my report card. three cs, two ds and an incomplete. i'll just have to try harder. i don't know. i will. i will. i will. i will. thanks, dad, this talk helped. will you sign it, please? that would be great. it better help. what can you do with yourself if all you do is look good? wow. hello. i just wanted to tell you how great you were. my name's tom grunick. well, they say if you can reach even one person, it means something. and you did that. i was a lot earlier. i kept thinking what a great break it was for me to get to see you tonight. more than a great break, maybe just what i needed. just when i needed it. angel of mercy -- godsend. lifesaver. what? i haven't been in news that long. i've just been looking for the right person to talk to. i have about two thousand questions for you. it's possible now's not the right time. totally understood. totally wrong of me to talk shop after the day you've had. totally sorry. no, no, no, no. that actually goes on. yes, sure. no, i really got this job on a fluke and wait till you hear where it ends up. except i'm no good at what i'm being a success at. listen to me. you keep on thinking i'm somebody ho lacks. confidence. that's not it. i know i can talk well enough and i'm not bad at making contact with people, but i don't like the feeling that i'm pretending to be a reporter. and half the time i don't really get the news i'm talking about. it isn't that i'm down on myself. trust me, i stink. i didn't even have the chance to get really good at sports. i wasn't bad. i thought i was starting to do interesting features but hockey is big at the station and. i don't write. but that didn't stop me from sending out audition tapes to bigger stations and the networks. one year. almost one year. and i'm making a fortune. uh-huh. whoa, this was a mistake. i hated the way you talked to me just now. and it wasn't just because you were right. i never told you the reason i was telling you everything for. those audition tapes i sent out. i've been hired by your network for the washington bureau. so i'll probably see you at work. sorry. to be honest, i was best at anchor. they said i should observe the. they said it would be okay if. wedged into an uncomfortable position between two tape racks -- he is wide-eyed at this circus of tension and fear. his eyes dart around constantly -- trying to take in as much as he can, always returning with wonder to focus on jane. i'm tom grunick. i started on general assignment today. you're almost there, you can do it -- can do -- can do. i'm sorry if i was in the way. it was totally impressive. great piece. i can't believe i'm really here. no kidding. if you're through work now -- i thought you were incredible in there. i know how much i have to learn. i'd really -- a lot -- appreciate it. if. you make me nervous. anyway if i can pick your brain -- and it has nothing to do with the fact i left your room instead of staying there? okay, i'll meet the crew there then. could you give me that address again? great. yes, it's good to finally be getting to work. okay that's 17204? 1-7-2-0-4. thanks. they say he's coming out now. is that him? i had a lot of questions here. i missed the story. hi. can i buy you dinner sometime soon? okay. okay if i watch you tape that interview downstairs? no, i don't think so. follow me. it's okay. oh, sure. okay. i've been doing some morning show stuff, but mostly radio -- that doesn't bother me. i'm in no rush for anything. it's just the snotty attitude, even if i have it coming, it's still. yes. that's right. no. no. i really have to go. what? yes. how do you know? if i told you i'm not sure it would totally convince you, but i totally believe the guy. so if it's true -- i'm terrific, right? so he was indicted? but i was right -- just somebody give it to me. i had a good story. ah, i don't want any credit. bobbie and i serve anonymously. thanks a lot, buddy. not impressed exactly -- but a break in the clouds. so he bought this peugeot sedan at a greatly reduced price while he was there in charge of the white house advance team. look, i'm junior man -- and it's your beat. this is my first time at the white house. is there any chance to look at where he works and the rest of it? nobody else had it. that's okay. no. really. don't worry about it. what do you mean? you're one of the few people in this town i can talk to. hey, buddy, don't do that anymore. wait -- i need you. i've got another story. the house armed service committee has a secret report which says that the general stillwell tank the army has dumped a fortune into plain won't work. i have it cold, confirmed. they have five million dollars in this thing already. okay, billion. right, of course. they told me i could have any producer i wanted -- and i want you. one source referred to it as a five billion dollar metal sculpture to ugly to look at and too big to bury. general elton mcguire is in charge of the weapon system. general, i don't want to bother you anymore or your family. but tomorrow there will be a mob of me back here -- so, if you have anything to say, why not say it now, sir, the way you want? hi, ellie. hi, dad. did you see it? great -- i'll send you a tape. i'm sorry i haven't called. things were a little bumpy for a while. it's not important. i'm fine now. hey, dad -- i just may be able to do this job. well, i'm glad you were sure. it's the firs time i've seen you dressed like this. you look so clean and pretty. at work there's always this sort of film over you. you're great at taking the edge off a good time. you okay? hello, buddy. it's 1:35 -- and this is tom. you can reach me at the office. it's important. i can use a little help. excited. yes. you didn't have to come here. it's just that i'm going to anchor this special report on this libyan thing. yes, stop! i wondered if you could find out anything about what's happening. what's wrong? oh. no. i'm doing fine. look. hey, okay. look buddy -- i've got to go to work. i'll speak to you. i can hear you. i was just teasing. good afternoon. a libyan fighter plane attacked a united states military installation early this morning and was, itself, shot down by american f-14 interceptors. the libyan missile destroyed an army warehouse which, just thirty minutes earlier, had been crowded with servicemen. no one was injured. george weln is at the pentagon where the attack launched by the lone libyan pilot has resulted in a massive movement of military might. george, isn't the f-14 tomcat one of the most difficult machines for a pilot to master? there was trouble with them in the early days -- back in the 70's. outlaw nation but strangely those who have interviewed gaddafi find him, in a phrase we like to use in this country, very 'presidential'. the latest message seems to indicate that the libyan pilot was acting on his own without authority from anyone else. in other words, i think we're okay. so, commander, it must have been a bit tougher today -- shooting down the french-made mirage jet. the one you got was a su-22. etc. thanks. with all the help you get, it's sure easier than local. you're an amazing woman. what a feeling having you inside my head. indescribable -- you knew just when to feed me the next thing, just a split second before i needed it. there was a rhythm we got into, like great sex. you have to celebrate with me, don't you? everybody's going to that bar on the corner, 'caps.' it's tempting to ask you how you think i did. no. i'm enjoying myself. take it easy. you'll never show up. jane? i'll wait for you till seven. i didn't think you'd make it. there's no gang in there -- we were the last ones. jennifer, you want to have another drink? thanks for getting me through. no, it's okay. people say different things. they do. the plural threw me. it would never occur to me to worry at all about you. where's the bathroom? i'm not knocking it. it's a great solution. not only the storage but you can see everything you have. isn't this a great date? i'm not sure i'd be good company tonight. do i have to stand here in the middle and meet them all? yes. we're fine now. hi, aaron. what's doing? you want to go out there -- get out of this for a second? what did i do to you? heavy hitters. great. network news, washington. i love it. what do you do when your real life exceeds your dreams? you know the other day i really wanted your reaction to how we did with the libyan report -- i was going to ask but i guess i feel a little intimidated with you. i'm not buying into any of that. i have a load to learn. i'm not going to act as if. shut up a second. i made one rule for myself when this started and i realized i was going to take a lot from you people because of being from sports. never to pretend to know more than i did. okay, let's drop it. i didn't mean i'd take a test for you -- i mean if that came up in conversation i'd. yes, aaron. i know the names of the cabinet. yes. you're feeling good, aren't you? fifty, right? i'm so exhausted. punchy. sick tired. i can't think and i can't move. i'm just a dead lump of poured out flesh. would you like to come up? maybe we could just sit here -- talk a little? too many smart people in one room -- it's not healthy. i'm going to have to do a story from beginning to end on my own. believe me, i wouldn't be doing this unless it was absolutely necessary. i have an idea for something. i just read about it in a magazine and it affected me. if i tell you, can you manage not to put it down or tell me why it won't work or is in bad journalistic taste or anything like that? it's about women who are attacked by someone they know on a date. 'date-rape,' that's the piece. well? okay -- good move. keep it there. i'm not sure i dialed right -- jane? yes. it's not important. what pills did you take? you sound more like someone on a general anesthetic. maybe i'd better speak to you tomorrow. no. are you going to the correspondents' dinner on saturday? no. were you going to you? maybe i'll get off work. i'd like to go. we can go together. i like you as much as i can like anyone who thinks i'm an asshole. but cops on the street continue to view it as. shit -- too long. but street cops say. that fits. that last cut work for you, bobbie? the victims often remain too terrified to talk -- the police powerless and all the social welfare groups can finally do is monitor this epidemic of crime without punishment. this is tom grunick in annandale, virginia. what's wrong with it? so what did you think? yeah. we sure do. i don't mean it as a knock either. go ahead. i'll just say what i think and you can disregard it if you want. wait. your coat jacket is rising up in back. when you sit down -- sit on your jacket a little -- that gives you a good line. look at yourself in the monitor. sit on it! now look. no. that's not going to tell us anything. let's get this prompter going. i'll find some copy. be right back. i got copy, i got ellen to heat up the camera and i got master control taping so you can study it later. no. no. don't let your eyes go from the beginning of the sentence to the end like that. you don't want to look shifty, do you? and the left side of your face is the good one. go again. and try to punch one word or phrase in every sentence -- punch one idea a story. punch -- come on -- good. very nice. try not to move your head or wrinkle your forehead. this is good, very good. you were smokin' toward the end there. and remember -- you're not just reading the news or narrating. everybody has to sell a little. you're selling them this idea of you. you know, what you're sort of saying is, 'trust me. i'm, uh, credible.' so whenever you catch yourself just reading. stop and start selling a little. so long. it's incredible who's here. me! how you doing, paul? yes, born to party. suppose i go in for a little while and you wait in the lobby-bar. how's that? jane. you're not going to take off on me, are you? i just want you to know that my giving up the correspondents' dinner puts tremendous pressure on you. you okay? why can't i let go of this woman? you just can't stop editing me. huh? because you're nuts. more and more lately when i've watched you in action -- seen all your energy -- i've been wondering what it would be like to be inside all that energy. i don't remember saying anything like that -- exactly. i don't know why i just did. what? that's not it. i'd like to know. i'll go along. jane! don't run off -- like everything's settled the minute you make up your mind. it's not that it's hard. i just want you to give me a minute to catch up. where are you? well, when? i know. i taped it. not if you count 'singing in the rain.' do him a favor and don't treat it like a tragedy. you want me to talk to him? everybody has one like that. i thought it was great when you started to laugh at the end. no. don't worry about it. no. that sounds more important. let's forget about tonight. i've got my father coming through tomorrow anyway. i should get some sleep. i'll see you at the office. good night. hello? okay. good night. jane, i'm not some chore you have to finish so you can stay on schedule. jane, this is my dad. you just light up a room and leave, huh? the thing that's easy to miss about jane is. yes, i would. good to see you, bill. this is my father. he -- uh -- said he liked you because you looked like you had -- fire and honesty. yes. then he said a really weird thing. that it would be a treat to make someone like you feel better. he gets like that sometimes. have you guys seen jane? they booted me out of washington. why? what did they do to you? you packing up tonight? london. i don't think so. hold it down, okay? yes. you're not going to stick around for the farewell party? i'm going to miss you -- you're a prick in a great way. you know what i. maybe i haven't been here long enough. but, hey, congratulations on the promotion. sorry. i can't stand here feeing bad that i don't feel worse. this has happened at every station i ever worked for. look, i think it's crazy for you to come in here tomorrow and start a new job. i have a week to get to my job. let's get the hell away to some island fast and find out how we are together away from this. that's yes? that's enough. that's enough. are you okay? don't be silly. what are you sorry about? i just need you for another minute now, so we can shoot from behind towards me, and, um. that way we have someplace to go when we cut. and i just sit here, i nod my head and look nerdy. yeah. really? then give me a minute. look who's the organized one. i've got everything. why? i felt funny about it afterwards. it's verboten, huh? i thought since i did it for real the first time -- but i get you. that's not the reason you're not coming? we disagree on how god-awful it was. why don't you come with me and we can disagree and get a tan at the same time? jane, jane, jane, jane, jane. i got promoted for things like that. it's hard not to cross it; they keep moving the little sucker, don't they? this is a one-way argument. we've got six days; if you go and we fight and we hate it -- we'll come home. if you don't go? well, that's a much bigger deal. i go to london right after that. so, it'd be very big deal if you stay here. the plane's boarding. you're good at deadline. here's your ticket. i'm leaving now. gate 43. you keep coming after me and looking down on me. it's starting to make me batty. well, let's do a special report on that. i mean that's news. what i don't know, i can learn and what i know, nobody can teach. excuse me for saying it about myself, but i think it's true. what do you think? never mind what you think. yes, i am. thanks. i mean it. you want to come? then you should stay here. take it easy. oh, honey. when they told me bill had decided to retire and offered me the evening news, i thought it was the same kind of joke we used to pull back at the station -- turning off somebody's prompter in the middle of a show. and now to something more important. i'd like to introduce my bride. lila? holy shit, aaron. lila -- this is aaron altman. well, this kid couldn't possibly belong to anyone else. what's your name? i thought she'd be here. i'll go with you. i'll see you back at the hotel. i appreciate it. a picnic? are you any closer to a decision? what a great surprise. i didn't think we had a chance. i heard you wanted to stay in washington. well, we should talk. you going to have time for dinner? i'd like you to meet lila. okay. it's so good to see you. it's nice to see you. if you ever get restless in portland, let me know. bye. boss. go back to your daddy.