they have to be armed to detonate. they're designed to survive crashes intact. they can lie in a pool of burning jet fuel for five hours without any problem. in his last transmission, colonel deakins said major hale lost control. he probably hit weapons release by accident. believe me, when a plane's auguring in, you start pushing every button you can. baird stands, looks at a picture of a ghost shakes his head. of course. access to the codes requires the highest security -- this is the kh-12 satellite's infrared view of the area. an exposed nuclear core would be relatively hot -- it'd show as a circle of bright white. as you can see, there's nothing. the only heat signatures we found were these. the image changes. there are four blotches, glowing a dull red. we think it's colonel rhodes and his men. their bodies. a look between baird and the chairman. the chairman reaches for a phone. creeley. i do. major hale is alive. according to him, colonel deakins is headed for salt lake city.