you know what happened there? i set you up. i fake right, go left three times in a row. you expect it again, i take the right in hard. that's what boxing's all about. make your opponent think you're gonna do one thing, then do another. like ali in zaire, using the rope-a-dope on foreman. everyone thought ali's arms were getting destroyed, when he was really just letting foreman tire himself out. eighth round, ali starts hitting, george's got nothing left -- fight's over. several of hale's punches land. deakins staggers back, caught off guard. it looks like he might even go down. seizes the opportunity and slugs back. don't watch my hands -- watch my shoulders. that's where the punch starts. ready? deakins hits hale hard in the face, sending him back. you were looking at my hands. let's try it again. ready? deakins hits hale hard. he's got hale on the run. come on. focus. ready? he's in silhouette, the lights above him. i can't take that. really. i feel bad. how many times have we fought and how many times have you won? well, if you insist. deakins grins, folds the bill and jams it into his flightsuit. you know why i beat you? you don't want it enough. you had me today. i was back on my heels. but you didn't close the door. life isn't sparring, hale. here. if you weren't giving it everything you've got, then i don't want it. sorry. what's the mission, general? ready for rollout. weren't you going to call taylor today about the aurora project? what'd you say? jesus. you are such a pussy. you never fight for anything. hale is stung. pissed, he goes on the offensive. because i said what your problem is, you're gonna--? i'm usually right though, aren't i? hale shakes his head, grins. deakins clicks on his mike. ghost 7 to mcmurran. hey, wilkins, you old bag of dirt, your boys in utah still awake? wilkins says you won't lose them tonight. (grins, shakes his head; into helmet ready, major? go to war. descend to 400 feet agl. river valley approach. we're under the radar. proceed to primary target. hale hits a button, lets go of the stick -- they're on autopilot. it's a moment of peace. hale looks out. to god? is that what you're going to say? that you feel closer to god up here? hale, take a look out your side. i think our terrain following is off. it's got us two klicks from the left flank ridge. hale turns to look out the window on his side. pulls the trigger and the gun fires. suddenly lets go of hale's hand, then hits hale hard under the chin with the fire extinguisher. this is deakins! hale lost it! i have to punch out! deakins pulls his second handle. blam! whoosh! he's gone. he hear and feel the plane dropping, screaming toward the earth. sorry to disappoint you, mr. pritchett. they all look over to see. walk out of the shadows, smoking a cigarette. while soldierly with his men, deakins is courteous and polite with pritchett. well, point of fact, nothing has. ah, but we always planned on the search and rescue team finding the weapons for us, and they have. mr. pritchett, i really have thought of everything. johnson walks up, pointing to his radio headgear. that'll take care of itself. you don't have to worry about major hale. he's probably hiding behind a rock somewhere, praying i don't find him. get ready. you'll go when the clean-up's done. novacek nods, goes to the helicopter. ext. canyonlands - 4wd trail hale and terry are hurrying along a 4wd trail toward terry's truck. terry taken a look at hale's ripped and torn flightsuit. brought a tear to my eye. you see, mr. pritchett, they think they've got an exposed core. they'll want to get a satellite to take a look, but it'll take ninety minutes minimum to shift the orbit. until then? well, people get a little weird when it comes to radiation. no one'll have the balls to come near here unless it's nest -- the nuclear emergency search teams --and it'll take the nearest team at least two hours to get out here, and we only need an hour to reach our connection with the transport squad. pilot error. deakins turns and walks away, over to. mr. pritchett, i understand your concerns. you and your associates gave me a lot of money to mount this operation. but they're getting ten times that back if we succeed. all i can do is my part. we've got the weapons, we're . . seventeen minutes ahead of schedule and everything will be in place within two hours. but i can't guarantee that the assholes in washington won't do something stupid like not pay. then the next census for this region is going to show a very sudden drop in population. you a fan of boxing, mr. pritchett? me, too! i love it! two men trying to do as much damage to the other as he can. as basic as you can get, don't you think? so do i! god, wouldn't that make it more exciting? having to go into dark alleys and basements to see a fight? i bet we see eye-to- eye on a lot of things, mr. pritchett. deakins grins; mr. pritchett steams. run him down. what're you doing, hale? stop! but it's too late and. coolly grabs a fire extinguisher and starts spraying. hey, there. what was that last part? there was some static. (clicks off mike; to you really got me there. i sure didn't think of that. hale slows down -- something's wrong -- deakins doesn't cars. all that time we spent in the cockpit together and you think i'm stupid? i got some new boards and circuits from a friend at pantex. but nice try. hale curses to himself. terry looks at him. he shakes his head they're in trouble. you know, hale, i thought of asking you to join me on this. you wanna know why i didn't? i would've just killed you if you said no. i was more afraid you'd say yes. because i knew i couldn't count on you. you can pretend you've got guts, but when and if it comes down to it, you're gonna run off crying like a little girl. you wouldn't do that. in the mine. i could tell he was inside something. there was an echo. let's take care of hale first. spread out. he looks at johnson in disgust, exhales, and tosses the rock. he pulls out a walkie-talkie, clicks on, talks into it. we're at the end of tunnel three. (clicks off; to with his uzi. slows down. the bit with the sock was good. i like it. still, i'm gonna use the the field expedient tactical timer. it's a little more precise. i need a demonstration. otherwise, some swinging dick in washington is going to say i don't have the balls or the ability to set off a nuclear weapon. i'm gonna show these puppies i'm ready, willing and able. hell, i'm eager. deakins jams in his clip, walks into the dark part of the tunnel. opens fire -- but not at hale and terry -- at the cable along the ceiling connecting the lights. the cable snaps and electrical sparks shoot out, flooding the tunnel with light, showing. the muzzle flashes from his uzi give away his position and hale and terry's bullets scream in at him. he backs around a corner. well, hale, i better be going. look at it this way, partner. if you wanted to get closer to god, you are about to get your wish. hale hears deakins' footsteps start off. what makes you think that? i'm impressed. enough. i've got a broker in stockholm. monday morning he's going to buy me five percent of volvo. for the rest of my days i'm going to live off the dividends, happy in the knowledge i'm helping to build the safest car in the world. why would you do it, hale? if you were me. mr. pritchett! get in. we're leaving. no time. and if they get out, they might talk. fortunately, there's something wrong with the elevator. deakins opens fire with his uzi on the generator. sparks fly and the thing shuts down. very suddenly and very violently lashes out. the side of his hand hits pritchett in the throat. maybe now you'll shut up. i just realized i've never killed anyone before. i mean, i dropped bombs on baghdad, but never face to face. grins, steps on the brakes. watching the helicopter, listening to hunt over the loudspeaker. at least i know they work. the helicopter? it was hit by emp. electromagnetic pulse. it's released in a nuclear detonation. it wipes out anything electronic for miles. that"s another reason i wanted to set off a nuke. i knew it'd bring down any helicopters coming for us. it'll also shut down all radio communications for a few hours, which will severely screw up their response. appears, walking down a footpath toward sheppard. i am everyone. let's go. sheppard hurries to deakins. they disappear up the footpath. because i like him. he doesn't ask a lot of annoying questions. all right? a few seconds later the engine starts up. hale ducks down under water as the raft takes off over him. he surfaces to watch the raft zooming off into the distance. he is very worried. grabs the tarp and pulls. throws the tarp over the nuke. as he does, we pan over to. i wish i could see their faces. two-hundred-and-fifty million dollars, by nine a.m. utah time. the depositing instructions are in the envelope that came with this tape. this deadline is not negotiable, and there is no grace period. the device is on a timer. shortly after you receive this, the timer will be activated. at nine a.m., i will make a call. if i find out you've done as you've been told, i will stop the timer. if you have not complied -- the screen suddenly cuts to a flurry of images of nuclear destruction -- buildings being knocked sideways, mushroom clouds, shockwaves, fires. wait until i get back. i'm going to check on sheppard. deakins goes to a ladder that leads up to the ceiling. climbs out and we discover that indeed they are not in a truck, they're in a train. the "nuke boxcar" has a small satellite dish mounted on the roof. how much longer? five minutes. we'll leave from the boxcar roof. as he puts a gun to the back of terry's head. terry, max. max, terry. she asked me how i thought i was going to get away with this and i thought i'd tell her. we're going to a cabin in the mountains, not far from here. when we get there i'm gonna make two phone calls. the second will be to my bank in geneva. if the money's in my account, i use this. (pulls out what looks like a modified cell- you saw the dish on the roof? microwave. it's not affected by emp. see? i really have thought of everything. no, i kept her alive because i want her to do me a favor. see, if something goes wrong and this thing goes off, a half a million people are going to be vaporized. i don't want that on my conscience. so i'm not going to arm the nuke. nine . then pound . good. now six . seven . star . one. then enter and it's done. stunned. he shakes his head. ooh. you really shouldn't have done that. i said i would kill you, and i will. night-night. deakins is about to pull the trigger when max stops him. max gestures -- listen. they hear a helicopter approaching. max checks his watch. they're early. just then, they hear gunfire. max gives deakins a look. it's not a problem. set the timer, then kill her. have fun with it. deakins starts climbing up the ladder to the hatch. sees what's going to happen and turns and runs as. jumps down between two boxcars and the rotor blades go right over his head. deakins hears an awful sound and a scream cut short. has climbed up and is shooting at her. climbs up fast through the hatch to the roof. is reaching for the man's hand and grabs it when. get us out of here! hurry! leans out of the helicopter with his uzi, shooting down at. sees what's coming and jumps. stands there, trying to smile, trying to be cool, but. they would've paid and i would've stopped it. you've made a very, very big mistake. if it's over and you beat me, you disarm it. course you are going to need this. (holds cell-phone ready? hale puts up his fists. modern boxing is a pussy sport. they want to make it about scoring points. it's not about scoring points! it's about this! okay. you're bleeding. good. in the old fights, there'd be so much blood, guys would slip and fall. let's see if we can't get a little more of that red goo out of you. ready? again deakins fakes right, jabs left. hale half blocks it, but is sent back. used to be, every fight was to a knockout. you know what happens when you get knocked out? it's your brain slapping against the inside of your skull. here. i'll let you see what it's like. ready? deakins steps toward hale, about to finish him off. deakins swings. hale ducks, comes up hard with all he's got, gets deakins under the chin and deakins sails up and back, landing prone, seeing stars. is lying at the bottom of the car, directly under the nuke, not moving. you have to push amber, then red. you might have time to push amber. you won't get to red. hale turns to see. pointing a gun at him. i know. fuck 'em if they can't take a joke. do it and i shoot. hale looks at deakins. shoots. is about to shoot again, then hears a tearing and looks up as. his eyes fill with true terror as.