now deakins has the upperhand. he backs hale around the ring. deakins offers his hand. hale pushes it aside. deakins ignores hale, grabs him and helps him to his feet. deakins climbs out of the ring between the ropes. hale grabs the top rope and flips himself over, landing on his feet. deakins gives hale a look, laughs, shakes his head. enter and walk under the plane, nodding to the ground crew. hale and deakins are royalty. deakins and hale climb up the airplane's crew entry steps and disappear. hale brings deakins' gun hand hard against hale's own helmet. deakins yowls and the gun goes flying. then hale sees something. deakins hits hale with the back of his hand, knocking him back. hale grabs deakins' helmet, yanks it off his head and smashes deakins back with it. hale keys the armament buttons. deakins grabs a fire extinguisher, swings it, getting hale in the face. hale is almost knocked out, blood running from his nose. hale tries to push the handle down as deakins pulls it up as. deakins kicks free of hale, holds onto the man in the helicopter and is pulled onboard. share a look. deakins puts up his fists.