hale is stunned. terry starts to get up, reaching for her gun. hale strikes out with a leg, getting terry in the gut, sending her back. she hits the ground, still struggling for her gun. hale gets up, runs, sprinting off over the rocky terrain. don't move. a beat while they catch their breath. terry holds out her hand. hale lets the revolver swing down on his finger. just as terry takes it. hale runs up, grabs terry, pulls her to her feet as. run clear. jump down onto the roof of the lead humvee. hale looks at terry, angry. but before he can say anything. bullets punch up. hale pulls out the gun. it falls from his hand. terry grabs it as a sharp swerve sends. hale turns to terry as she pulls over the radio mike. dive to the ground. they pull pistols, start shooting. reaches up to grab the big rock, but johnson sends a spray of bullets in. terry grabs hale. running along a tunnel. run back down the side tunnel, bullets winging off the rock all around them, shooting back. hale starts shooting out the lights, plunging the tunnel into darkness. in the dark, waiting to ambush deakins and then. suddenly exposed to deakins' fire. the bullets whiz in. take cover. it's a stand-off. they hear footsteps, receding. hale bolts out of their hiding spot. terry follows. make a move toward the elevator, but. back around a corner, side by side, shooting their pistols. step out of the tunnel and fire on the climbing elevator. dodge them, push off, duck under. and then they notice that. lungs bursting, they start kicking up. are lifted up and over. drop ten feet to the roof of a boxcar. hale shoots as they fall. watch the helicopter land as the train rolls on. they look at each other. any excitement turns to confusion when they see. run to each other. they embrace, start smoothing each other's hair, start wiping blood off each other's faces, start kissing, only to be interrupted by.