hell, i barely know what day it is. the fact that i can't feel the left side of my face -- that's okay, right? deakins laughs. hale seizes the relaxed moment and suddenly launches into deakins with a flurry of punches. he cocks his arm back. he could finish deakins off. but he doesn't. he drops his fist. lands, dazed, blood trickling out of the corner of his mouth. looks up at deakins, catches his breath. here. oh, shut up. jerk. because you've been boxing for twenty years and you're much better at it than i am? we were just sparring. i think i saw that on a t-shirt. deakins pulls out the twenty dollar bill; hands it back to hale. no, that's yours. no, i mean -- that's yours, literally. i took it out of your wallet when you were in the shower. deakins laughs, puts the money away. the usual ? '61s? ooh. crowpleasers. you know, these exercises are fantastic. i mean, when that day comes and we finally go to war against utah, we are really going to kick ass. yeah. turns out he wants people with more fighter hours. what could i say? yeah, well you know what your problem is? you fight too much. right? you said it yourself -- you should be at least wing commander by now. maybe you would be if you didn't insist on telling people what they're doing wrong all the time. tell colonel wilkins i could fly this puppy up his ass without him knowing. on your word. airspeed lock at point-seven mach. blue line descent on throttle to 400 feet agl. hale pulls back on the throttle. the plane descends. time to limbo down. how low can we go. i tell people i became a pilot because i wanted to fly cool planes. it's also for this. when we're up here, i feel. closer . i don't know. turns his head back toward deakins. deak, you can't smoke in here -- but then hale sees it's not a cigarette that deakins is pulling out of his flight suit. it's shiny, metal. it's. grabs deakins' hand, pushing up as. the bullet cuts a line through the top of his helmet, punching a hole in the window by his head. sees it, yanks on the stick. no! he pulls at deakins' arms. his head snaps back as deakins pulls. when the chute opens, he almost spills out because of the severed shoulder harness. he grabs the straps, holds on. spins, grabs the shirt of the figure and cocks his arm about to punch. he hesitates when he sees it's. pulls up fast, almost not fast enough. i'm going to tell you something i can't tell you. terry puts away her gun, spins hale around and starts marching him off. there were nuclear weapons on that plane. the guy i was flying with is trying to steal them. terry reacts to that, but keeps hale moving. i have to stop him, and i need your help. i only ran because you punched me. he has men on the ground. i -- jumps up and through the handcuffs. grabs it from her, puts it to-her head, but not before. this isn't a stand-off, okay? i've got a gun. moves fast, grabs terry's knife hand, then kicks her legs out from under her. hale lands on top of her, still holding her knife hand, putting the knife to her throat. i'm telling you the truth. i could kill you now. right? terry nods, bewildered and more than a little scared. hale lets go of terry's hand holding the knife. i need your help. terry looks at hale for a long moment. she's still holding the knife. she exhales, then sticks the knife in the dirt. deakins'll be monitoring any radio transmissions out of here. that's what i'd do. (a flash of the horrible betrayal he i don't have any choice. the nukes are my responsibility. besides. (pulls something from the last thing in the world he expects is for me to come after him. hale walks off into the light of the rising sun. terry looks at the $20 bill. yeah. less constricting. don't walk where? that's a new one. endangered dirt. terry gives hale a look. what's your dog's name? no dog. we've gotta hide! hide where? looks at the helicopter as the bullets whistle in. when he turns back, terry's gone. what the --? arms flailing, drops fifteen feet, to deep sand. how do you --? can you climb up? give me your gun. is down in the fissure, pointing the revolver straight up at the helicopter hovering right overhead, figuring out where to shoot. blackhawk . moved pilot seat back a foot . puts him right about . here. hale hesitates -- he's never shot at someone before -- then takes a breath and starts shooting. is surprised -- it worked!' how do they get out of here? deak'd have a back-up. he'd be prepared. he wouldn't want to go towards town. see the one in front? it just has a driver? they wanted to keep the weight down. it has the nukes. hale takes terry's gun from her. humvees can reseal and inflate with the flick of a switch. that's why deak chose 'em. terry looks at hale -- then what is he going to do? i'm gonna steal it. you get to a phone and call mcmurran. then you better start walking. i appreciate what you've done so far. but now it gets hairy. go to the phone. he scrambles off over the rock. flying. he lands hard behind the humvee. sprints after the leading humvee. deakins' humvee closes fast. grabs the gun out of the air as. is going to be crushed between the humvees. he jumps up, turning, as the bumpers come together. he lands on the tailgate facing backwards and fires into deakins' windshield. is behind him. hale gets into the passenger seat. gimme the gun and get out. no, we don't. hale shoots baker in the thigh. baker howls. kicks baker out of the humvee. holds the steering wheel, yells to terry. you drive! i'd yell at you for coming after me, but you did just save my life. we need somewhere to hide. they hardwired in their frequency. we can't call out. i'm gonna take away deakins' reason for being here. hale grabs a screwdriver from the tool kit and pries open a panel on the side of one of the b-83s. they're designed to be used by guys wearing gloves in alaska. he reaches in, hits a key and the lcd display lights up. these nukes have security codes. if you enter the wrong code three times, the nuke goes dead -- all the circuitry shorts out and shuts down. kind of like the security systems with car radios. pulls it out, looks at it. where's st. judes hospital? ding, ding, ding, deak. we're starting a new round. you took the first couple, but i've got you on the ropes now, you son of bitch. deakins gets in the passenger side, grabs the radio mike. i know you're stalling while you try to find the nukes with your scanner, but you're gonna be too late. hear that? hale holds the radio mike up to the keypad as he enters numbers. i'm entering the wrong code, you bastard. a couple more times and these are gonna be useless to you. because i would've said no? you better hope that's true, doak. because i've got the nukes, and there's nothing to stop me from entering the right code, if you know what i mean. nah. you're right. i wouldn't have the guts. end split-screen. hale drops the mike; looks at the elevator. how deep is this mine? that's deep enough. hale opens the elevator gate. a nuclear explosion. terry's jaw drops. he's got a scanner. he'd find them. they set them off underground in nevada all through the fifties and sixties. there's no risk. we won't be down there when it goes off. this isn't a suicide mission. i need your help. terry thinks, shakes her head, steps up and grabs the nuke. when we get to the bottom we'll have to get away from this shaft. it'll limit the amount of radiation released into-the atmosphere. no. i'm only going to set off one. we'll leave the other one here. it'll be buried under a billion tons of rock. they are startled when the elevator starts going up behind them we better hurry. let's try down there. pilots who fly with nuclear weapons have standing orders to . (quoting from the i'm gonna need your belt and one of your socks. okay. terry lets hale down. hale picks up a big rock and loops the free end of the belt around it. then he picks up a smaller rock. we make a small hole in the sock, and when enough sand drains out -- and we're hopefully in new mexico -- the sock is pulled through the eyebolt, the rock drops. . hitting the rock on this chip, closing the firing circuit and that's it. hale finishes putting the small rock in position. he stands. i don't know precisely. this isn't a swiss sock. ten minutes, maybe -- hale is cut off by. feels sand hitting his face, looks up. the sock -- more bullets. terry pulls hale. they run down a side passage. hale and terry fire back at johnson as they run out of sight. beat 'em back to the elevator. stop 'em from getting out. terry nods. they hurry off around a corner and are met by. you're gonna ransom salt lake city, aren't you? the footsteps stop. that's where st. judes hospital is. you're gonna hide the nukes near the radiology department so they won't show up an any satellite radiation scans. how much are you gonna ask for? so that's it? you're just doing 'this for the money? i'm kind of disappointed. that's the thing -- i wouldn't. if i were you? because . because i got passed over for promotion and goddamnit i'm going to show the bastards that i'm smarter than them all. because . everyone's selling out and cashing in, so why not me? we don't know the code, and deak'd have it wired to blow if we so much as look at it funny. i'm sorry. i shouldn't've let you come. come on. hale pulls terry, running, down the far tunnel. you said they shut down the mine when they hit an underground river. any idea where it goes? hale has his shirt off and is wringing it out. it's okay. i know. that it did. look. (points at absolutely. it says so in the manual. "if you see butterflies after a detonation, you are fine." terry looks at hale. she knows he's bullshitting her, but she appreciates it. they look at each other. they could kiss . but they both shy away from it. terry gets her shirt off. we better get moving. we might be able to reach deakins when he gets to the river. they start off along a trail by the river. something i've been meaning to ask. how did someone like you end up with a gun? excuse me? i'm still waiting for the chicken. shit. we're the only ones who know what's going on, and i don't have the faintest idea how we're gonna stop them. why do you say that? steal it. they get down to the raft. they climb in. hale grabs the engine throttle, slumps. keys. hale looks around, spots sheppard's duffel bag lying on the riverbank. he hops out and starts rummaging through it when they hear grunting and feet approaching. hale looks around for a place to hide. there isn't any. terry tries to get out of the raft, but she trips on a tarpaulin bunched on the bottom of the raft. she drops. is alone, in the water, on the far side of the raft, very silent. he hears deakins and sheppard load the nuke into the raft. if we get a rad scanner we can track them. a brief look between wilkins and giles. what? i'm not wasting time answering questions. we've got -- deakins thinks i'm dead. he thinks it's over. you've got to let me go after him. i can help. i know how his mind works. what about the ranger? when you find that truck, you'll hit it hard. chances are she'll be killed in the crossfire. "regrettable but unavoidable." look, she's not supposed to be there. she should be checking camping permits, finding lost kids. she. if that's what it takes. i swear to god i'll shoot. wilkins grins. deak would know that. maybe he's not on the road. wilkins doesn't understand. they were using maps like these to set up the roadblocks? then that's the answer. wilkins doesn't understand. hale points outside, down at. it's an old spur. probably hasn't been used in twenty years. nobody bothered to put it on the new maps. the nuke isn't in a truck, colonel. it's on a train. no. go south. he's not going to salt lake. he planted that. he wanted whoever found it to think that's where he was going. he's been doing a rope-a-dope. giles and wilkins look at him like he's nuts. it's a boxing term. when ali -- look, i know this guy. if everything has been saying he's heading north, then he's heading south. they look at him, then wilkins grabs the map. no. not vegas. what the hell is there to blow up in vegas? wilkins' finger keeps moving on the map. that's him! pull up! hanging from the helicopter on a cable hooked to a harness and he's firing a pistol, shooting right over terry at. as he swings in on the cable, shooting his pistol. not any more. terry nods. they share a last look, then terry heads off. male coils up the winch cable, slings it over his shoulder and heads for the nuke boxcar and his old friend deakins. he picks up. standing, tugging on the cable, still attached to the harness. hale racks a load in the shotgun and jumps back off the side of the train. swings into the boxcar on the cable, firing the shotgun. shoots at deakins, misses. the shotgun clicks empty. hale tosses the gun then unhooks the cable from the harness. he drops to the floor-of the boxcar and runs to the ladder. reaches out of the hatch and grabs onto deakins' foot. is hanging onto the skids and he's hooked the cable to the skid. the other end of the cable is still attached to the hatch. who grabs onto the cable and slides down it to the roof of the train, bullets plugging in all around his. he jumps down through the hatch as. looks at it, trying to figure out how to disarm it. he hears the whoosh-thump of someone jumping down into the boxcar. he turns. it's over, deak. i beat you. disarm it. deak. stands over deakins, in silhouette, the light of the hatch above him. and then. looks around for something. he sees it -- the nuke is armed, deak. if it falls, the impact trigger will set it off. half a million people will die. his finger hovers over the amber button. i guess you really don't know me that well after all. hale presses the amber button. spins back, blood spraying from his shoulder. gets to his feet and stands over deakins. he reaches down, opens deakins' pocket and pulls out the twenty-dollar bill. ready. he heads out of the boxcar. keeps running through the wreckage. he stops, unable to breathe when he sees. runs to the car, pulls at the foot, tries to push the car off the body underneath. o.s. another vehicle drives up. come on! oh, god. oh, no. hale is pulling hard on the foot when. uh. (looks at flaming rawley hale.