hale and deakins climb into a very strange cockpit. there are two pilots' seats in this plane, with duplicate controls. deakins looks at maps on his computer screens. hale looks over, sees the map of utah. deakins and hale check their screens. deakins covers his mike, turns to hale. deakins turns to hale. deakins studies the maps on the computer screens. deakins reads his computer screens. hale groggy, hears a loud click. he looks down to see. hale and deakins look at each other as the plane enters the light and the light, in slow motion, washes across their faces. debris -- coffee cups, flight bags, anything not nailed down -- is whipping around the inside of the cabin. deakins reaches through the maelstrom, then reaches to the armament buttons and punches them. deakins looks around, then gets an idea. he hits the landing mission mode button and the cockpit lights up.