terry drives the humvee into the mineshaft entrance. hale uses a flashlight to look around. he finds a switch a flips it. a gas generator comes to life. another click and lights come on. now they can see the rest of the entry area, including a wire- mesh-enclosed elevator. as terry looks around, hale grabs the humvee radio, tries to tune in other frequencies, gives up. the elevator comes up. deakins drags out the nuke, hits the down button, shuts the gate. the elevator descends. deakins and pritchett get the nuke into the back of the humvee. deakins slams the tailgate on the humvee shut. from the distance, he and pritchett hear the whump-whump-whump of a helicopter. deakins motions pritchett to stay. deakins enters, motions for pritchett to get into the humvee.