just one thing, sir. this. kelly opens fire with his rifle. rhodes is thrown back, dead. kelly yells up top. done! kelly grabs the rope, climbs fast. climbs into view. colonel rhodes is dead, sir! they're all dead! it's the nuke, sir! it's open! wide open! oh, god, what am i going to do?! deakins puts the shaver to the mike again -- more static. he reaches into the helicopter and flips off the com link switch, then backs away, shaving. he nods to novacek, who fires up the helicopter. i'd just like to thank the members of the academy. maybe he'll set off a nuke. that'd show us. send it up? grabs johnson's uzi and, firing both guns, backs to the elevator, kicks open the gate with his foot and gets inside. he hits the up button with the butt of one of the guns and the elevator starts to rise. wrong person to screw with, deak. i know the goddamn code, asshole. he grabs the cable trailing off below the elevator and starts sliding down it into the darkness. runs up, starts entering numbers into the timer keypad. punches in the last two numbers of the code then enter. sits back on the floor, takes a breath. oh shit. the screen goes white.