(to baker, re: jim in
he better be dead.
you said nothing would go wrong!
you didn't drop the nukes where you were supposed to!
you thought of that?
what about the other pilot? we saw him eject.
i hope you've got another surprise up your sleeve. if i'm not mistaken, there are two attack helicopters headed this way.
we don't have to worry about the other pilot? deakins shakes his head.
then how come the helicopter crashed?
tell me again how i don't need to be here.
if we succeed?
what if they don't?
i think it's barbaric.
i think it should be banned.
i can't wait to see how this fits into your plan. deakins' charm peels away for an instant and he fixes pritchett with a stare. pritchett shrinks back.
(re: kelly and
is holding on tight as deakins drives wildly.
i think i've finally figured out your plan. those guys in the helicopter are going to kill us, but we're going to rise from the dead and
gags silently, suddenly unable to get any air. he pulls at his throat, even pounds himself in the back of the neck. no go. he slowly slumps, dying, skin turning blue.