and it lifts up and flies off. chases them, strafing them. boom! -- a grenade goes off in front of them. they run back. they're cornered. hale looks around, looks up. novacek swivels the helicopter around. starts to lean over sideways. comes swooping in. drops down beside the train. the rotor blades whip about three feet over the train roof and the pilot starts forward. closes fast. pulls up fast. comes along the length of the train, flying low. it rises up and there's. banks away fast, making ugly sounds, smoke billowing out. the engine cuts out and the helicopter drops to a hard landing beside the tracks. moves sideways over the train. moves back sideways over the train. is hovering over the train, but it can't fly away because. strains against the cable, but it doesn't snap. hits. breaks up and flies apart as the train rolls on.