ready and waiting, mr. deakins. and tell our favorite hotshot, he's not gonna lose us tonight. everyone get a fix! they're about to turn out the lights! lost 'em on active! who's still got 'em? stay on it. they're gonna have to come up for air sooner or later. they're not due for another halfhour. that's not good. watch your needles! find the nukes, sam. but be careful. i know they say those eggs can't be cracked, but if your geigers pick up more rads than you'd get off a toaster, i want you out of there. wilkins to the corporal. get the teams in. i want colonel rhodes and his men backed up. sam? sam, are you there? sam? who is this? what happened, kelly? call back the teams and get me the room. we're gonna need nest in here. no. point? i don't know what you expect to find. just on the radio. never met 'em. why? that's right. i understand, sir. i've got ten ships ready to go . we should be hearing from nest any minute now. son, i was at the nevada test site in the fifties. that wasn't an earthquake. get me the room. you're going to be fine. it was underground. colonel wilkins for general creeley. for one thing, if it was above ground, it wouldn't have caused the same kind of ground tremor. for another, if it was above ground, we'd all be blind and dying. sir, we've just had a detonation. we found the raft on the other side of the lake. tracks from a heavy truck ran out when they hit the paved road. actually, major, we're going back to mcmurran. no debate, major. i was given orders. now, you can come with us, or you can go with them. wilkins nods over at the other helicopter. the troops standing in front of it are mps. hale looks at wilkins, astounded. major, i know this is personal for you, but i think we can handle it. we're putting a wall of men and machines around salt lake city as we speak. that truck is not getting through. we were ordered to take you back to mcmurran. you understand what orders are, don't you, major? wilkins turns away. hale sits back, mind racing, not knowing what to do. he quickly grabs a pistol from the helicopter's weapons rack and puts it to wilkin's neck. major, put that away or say goodbye to your career and hello to twenty years in leavenworth. you'll have to shoot me. hale thinks, but there's no way he can do that. he lowers the gun, sits back. giles gets hale's attention, then points to his own head. hale doesn't understand, so giles grabs hale's gunhand and puts the gun up to his head. i don't know what you're looking for, major. every road between here and salt lake has already been sealed. yes? what are you --? radio's still down. we'll head north, look for a phone, then look for a train. giles nods. hale is thinking. wilkins starts to tell the pilot. what's south of here? get him! you've got a helicopter. use it! 27: my shoulders. ready? deakins fakes left, puts everything into one big uppercut. it connects. hell, hale, with the payload we're carrying, we are god. deakins notices something odd on his screen. he checks between the screen and what he can see through the windshield. computer convention. some information superhighway crap. we might as well tell the truth. look, i -- look, pal, all i know is, i saw you come down, i come in to help you and you grab me, kick me and run away. you've gotta get to a phone. what? colonel wilkins? you there? not that i'm not delighted with your presence, but you really don't need to be here. but it wouldn't hurt to get some gunships fueled just in case. wilkins reaches for a phone. giles smiles. i don't know. i think we got ourselves a little stand-off. i know a place. hand me the radio. terry goes for the radio mike. hale sees something. all right. fine. though i think you should know, before i ejected, i heard deakins say the nukes were going to be used to wipe out the last few remaining handicapped gay whales. terry looks at him -- you asshole. hale looks at her, very serious. was i right? wilkins nods. giles grins smugly for about half a second, then realizes what it really means. see, hale -- you aren't the only one who's thought of setting off a nuke in this mine. because . because my ex-wife was sleeping around. because my parents abused me. because i ate some sugar. because i don't like mondays. (takes a breath, you see, mr. pritchett? there really is nothing for you to worry about. pritchett's body seems to nod from the motion of the humvee. she saved my life. giles wants to help. so does wilkins, but. see, all their forces are up at salt lake by now. by the time they could get a f-15 down here the train will be on the outskirts of vegas. and i'll remind them about the impact trigger -- if they hit this train hard, the nuke'll blow. they won't have any choice. they'll have to let the train get into the city and because of that, they'll have to pay.