i ran here. did you bring me the session? dude. i'll throw it in now. you want something to drink? i pass. i do need to sleep once in a while. yes. i'm flipping out! why did he ask you if mateo had died? i think this is him. the man who just left. it's from the shoot. . he is carrying a small camera, like a super 8. he is now thinner and wears a beard, but it's him. he is talking to you. i don't know. he is handing you something, it looks like a pack of cigarettes. who is he? you can leave without concerns. don't worry about me. i have things to do, mom. i can't look after him all day. harry manages perfectly on his own and right now we are not writing anything. why are you so worried? why? summarize it! it never is for you! it doesn't bother me to look after harry! but i am tired of so much secrecy! don't go so fast! i'm not. i'm just keeping you company. how can you walk so fast? what do you mean by that? you are no fanatic. a billboard. in huge letters it says "donate blood", it includes where one has to go. no, no. i was thinking that "donate blood" is a good title for a movie. for a vampire flick. imagine that behind the billboard a whole group of vampires that work in ambulatory care are hiding. and they actually keep the blood they get from donors for their own consumption, of course. the vampires would be like a type of ethnic group, completely assimilated into spanish society, they don't stand out. there are vampires who occupy important positions, keeping it a secret . but even though they live in the shadows, they have amassed great social and economic power. and those that provide nightly entertainment: bars, discos, after-hours. since they don't need drugs to stay awake, they are the most apt for working at night. they don't burn out. and those which sell best. this is all great. this is how the story could begin: a gorgeous woman, totally naked, rubbing her body with a super-dense lotion, before heading to work at an ambulatory hospital. her body is a velvety pale, beautiful. a hybrid love story, between the female vampire and a normal guy. she works at one of those labs where blood is donated and where they snatch it for themselves. the guy has gone to donate his, or to get some tests. they like of course. that's one of the problems, the couple desire each other desperately. but when it comes to fucking, she becomes prudish. because she is afraid of losing control in her excitement and taking a bite into his jugular. when they're horny, she lets him do everything, front, back, whatever he wants, except ravaging her mouth. also. but that gets into high-risk territory. when he sucks on her breasts, she has to cover her mouth with a pillow, which she ends up shredding with her fangs. since he is deeply in love, he accepts the situation . once they are more comfortable with each other, she wears a muzzle, as security for both. because when she's turned on, she has a type of dental erection, her face grows into something like that of a she-wolf. our story. stop fondling me. damn it! just a tip. tomorrow i have to work, we are writing a vampire script that's going to be the shit! stop already, you are going to go through the roof. i don't know. dazed. did you speak with my mother? and she believed it? i'm not sleepy anymore. no. i don't know. if you'd like. well, then. would you mind telling me why my mother is so afraid of ernesto junior? before she left, she made me promise that i would remain alert, in case he reappeared. she never explains anything. judit says the same thing. how did you meet him? i am hoping to get back to it, but first tell me what happened in lanzarote. you can't leave me hanging! you can't imagine how much. and mom, did she call you back? why? i remember that time, it was while i was undergoing treatment for pulmonary aspergillosis. it was a horrible time for me. not just because of the illness, my mother was like a crazy woman. i had just seen "the exorcist" and, for some time, i believed she was possessed. and you weren't curious?. do you always watch the same movies? is there any new movie you'd want to see? i wouldn't mind doing so. done. yes, come in! at the end he says this is my new number, a number's written down. right now? it's too early. may i get dressed? i'm naked. what's going on? had you spoken since the accident? the coffee is in front of you. are you ok? would you like me to stay here? my mother arrives today. i would like to be home when she arrives. i didn't either, she left me a message this morning. she's coming to celebrate your birthday, with us. it seems so. today's the , does that sound right? yes. mateo has looked after me day and night. yes. nothing. watching movies. and talking. yes. mom, please! an accident. but i would rather not speak of that right now. it's hard to explain. nothing. i'm doing just fine. i'm going to buy a present for mateo. alright, harry. it's a german idea, there are various restaurant like this one, they're totally in fashion. let's toast! happy birthday! well, we're kind of screwed. you said it! did he have something to do with the accident? you are sweating. do you want me to stay here? in case the panic returns, so that you don't feel alone. call me, if you are not feeling well. i am specializing in breakfasts. i would do the same for mateo. are you ok? it scared me, it seemed as though an alien would pop out of your stomach. about mateo? you can tell me some other time. now it's time for breakfast. the year of punk. in a love affair? i knew all that, or i imagined it. and that fleeting lover, my supposed biological father? you made him up? does mateo know? i see. i will not recriminate you. i think i like being mateo's son . speaking of, he called early this morning. mateo. at 8h. for you to call him as soon as you could. because, after what happened last night, you needed to sleep. he didn't say it was urgent. you can call him now. it's a very interesting documentary. and, yes, in effect, ernesto followed you to lanzarote, until the last moment. yes. he recorded you at a safe distance, while you were on you way back after dinner. the scene is lit by the light of his headlights. it's not a lot, but enough to see what happened. not only did he not have anything to do with the accident, he saved your life. and one more e thing: when you were at the traffic circle, before the suv crashed into to you, you and lena kiss. it was an ordinary kiss, just one more of the many kisses a couple gives each other, almost without thinking. this is hilarious! not at all! this is a whole different thing!