the door of alcala has also darkened. mateo, say something! don't say that! what are you laughing at? i'm sorry, i thought you were alone. harry, you can't bring into your house the first person who helps you across the street. one of these days something awful will happen to you! diego told me yesterday that you finished the script. i agreed to deliver the definitive version to the producer and director today. i think he was very ill. you look awful ! i am, i've committed . start thinking of the next script. some kind of horror or fantasy story for bratty teenagers. it's what sells best . the writer who married marilyn? and miller never saw him? . it's very moving, but i don't think we can write a script about arthur miller without procuring rights from the family. it's a beautiful story. but years ago, when you began writing again and i began selling your scripts, you told me you'd never write remakes, sequels, nor biopics. nor stories whose protagonists were film i'll get it. you need anything? what are you up to? then i'll leave you. i'll stop by tomorrow, when i can. i have to finish the budget for the americans as soon as possible, so that i can decide what to do . . ok, we can continue tommorow. well, he wants to see you this afternoon, or tomorrow, if you can. i have asked him for an advance and he has accepted, but i cannot accompany you either today or tomorrow. good, i hope you like him, he seems to be loaded. no, just judging from his voice. and from the check i am about to ask him for. i will send diego over so that you're not alone. it's judit garcia. i don't want it! i just sent it back, ernesto! artistic? what are you up to? and what does that have to do with harry? you are not a director! ernesto, forget about us! do not come near harry again. if you ever stop by his house again i will report you for harassment. i am not at all pleased with having to scout outside madrid, but the americans pay a bundle and we need money. i am also worried for harry. please, look after him during my absence. it's only two weeks! i am worried about ernesto junior's visit. i would like for you to be on guard in case he appears or calls and then let me know immediately! he's crazy. i don't trust him. diego, please, this is not the moment. hey, if it bothers you so much to look after harry, i'll quit the job and stay in madrid! or i'll hire someone. too beautiful to be funny. she is ernesto martel's lover, the tycoon. she is here with his son. her? if she's been with him for three years, she must be. in any case, go out and say hello, to be polite. one must get along well with important men. you never know. little diego. he could hardly breathe all night. neither of us has slept a wink. thanks. one more thing, i've talked to the producer. he complains that the shooting is monopolizing lena. ernesto is a businessman, not an artist. i warned you! ernesto martel doesn't give a crap about this movie and those of us making it, except for one person! this weekend he is taking her to ibiza with him, so you won't be able to rehearse. can we stop for those three weeks? with pay for the team, of course. mateo, say something! don't say that! images are the source of his work. and to live in the dark, i suppose that's death to him. is there any chance he will see? yes. she was very thankful to ernesto for having taken care of everything. yes, they buried her next to her father. yes. what's wrong? bundle up! and don't get too close to the water. don't let go of his hand! i am here to pay mateo blanco's bill. it's the man who had the accident. he was in bungalow number two. yes, of course. harry! harry caine! we have to go, harry. i was dying to see you! are you ok, my son? i was very worried about you! mateo? you're not calling him harry? talking? what about? ok. so what happened to you? i don't know if i should believe the thing about the stomach flu, you two used that as an excuse in a script. what kind of accident? try to! i am not that stupid! what's wrong with you, diego? for mateo. call him however you wish. that's the advantage of having two names. wait, my arms are full. yes! happy birthday! thank you for looking after diego. i don't know how to thank you! what is wrong with the two of you? why is it that he suddenly is not calling you harry but mateo? liquid ecstasy? and. what happened. exactly? diego's a drug addict? but how can one make a mistake with something like that? well, he hasn't succeeded. at some point he will have to speak to me, no? is that so? because i ask him and he doesn't answer! the two of you are acting very differently. both of you. you both have changed. i have put on some makeup and i am dressed as a woman. i haven't changed much, harry. i am wearing my hair short. short, or rather, very short, like that of all fortysomethings who want to appear younger. what is the idea here, harry? no. harry, what is all this about? darkness, in fashion? i don't understand. yes. let's toast. happy birthday! we must look into each other's eyes. oh, sorry. it slipped. i don't know what you've been talking about these past days. but i do know what i haven't talked to you about all these years. but you must have asked yourself a thousand times. this is my birthday gift, mateo. the gift is also for you, diego. after you disappeared, ernesto senior thought only of his revenge. a plan had occurred to him but, to carry it out, he had to bribe, at the very least, both luis and me. it wasn't an issue, we both sold ourselves without hesitation. luis and i. with me, he had the courtesy to provide an alibi, he proposed that i leave for a month and a half to the united states, to the mayo clinic, so that diego could undergo a cure for his aspergillosis, that way i wouldn't have to be present while he destroyed the movie . i opted to stay in madrid and have diego undergo his cure here. i wanted to witness everything. if i was going to betray you, i wanted to pay the full price. yes. it was torture to watch ernesto select the worst takes of each shot and luis edit them together, turning your film into a monster . the only way of withstanding that was to suffer more. yes. now that you once again call yourself mateo, i have no excuse. i believe you. ernesto hired various detectives to search for you, but before they found you, you called me, two days after the premier. i was too embarrassed to answer, and. too stunned. i still am. when ernesto senior asked me again about you, i don't know why, i gave him the phone number for famara. he was the one who found you after the accident and called the hospital. no! but i can't stop thinking that had i not given his father the phone number, perhaps nothing would have happened. i don't know. good night. call me if you need anything. it's a panic attack. hand me the purse! i will sleep well with this. here? what for? thank you. i am feeling better. and i'll fall asleep soon. how impressive! yes, don't worry about last night. it's horrible, but it only happens occasionally and i know how to stop it. yes. if i don't tell you now, i may never do so. at the end of the eighties, in `77, to be exact. yes, in the year of punk, mateo and i became involved. yes. we were just getting started in film, and we are still at it, but our love affair ended, at least on his side. that didn't keep us from working together. until now. there's one more thing. mateo is your father. no. i. can hide things. but i never make things up. i don't know how to make up. the fleeting lover existed, he was gay and our affair was short-lived. his name was vicente and it was while i was with him that you were conceived, but your biological father was mateo, not vicente. no. at that time, he asked me and i denied it, of course. i didn't want to put pressure on him, i didn't want our relationship to change because of it. after all, i had never asked him if he wanted to become a father. who? what did he want? that i call him? why in the world have you not awakened me?! diego has told me to call you. are you ok? do you need anything? let me explain. what are you doing at ernesto's house? mateo, stop talking crazy! my god! wait a second. i have something to tell you. in effect, ernesto senior asked for it to be destroyed. yes. in any case, sooner or later the lab disposes of all the material. and that was many years ago. as the film's producer i was the only one who had access to the lab. to all the material. after i gave the order to have everything destroyed, i intercepted it. and i kept it. i have all of it at home. i didn't tell you this last night because i didn't realize you wanted to edit it. i took everything, all the double takes, the internegative, the sound tapes. everything! you can have it whenever you want! please, get out of that place, leave ernesto alone. he had nothing to do with this. it's wonderful, mateo. we should re-release it.