i can't believe they have thrown you out of the hospital, like dogs. does dr. alvaro de la torre know this? but how? if he was going to operate him this week, and last week, and the other week. it cannot be! they can't keep him for twenty days, torturing him with tests in preparation for an operation and now leave him like this, just because the doctor is leaving on vacation! have you protested?. how could you think that dad! why? he really said that? call me any time, no matter what it is! madame mylene? hello, it's severine. i need money. now! my weekend's free. i am busy during the week. yes. i'll wait for your call. yes? who is it? you've made a mistake, sir. no severine lives here. who? things aren't done like that! have you gone mad!? you bitch! how is dad? i will be there with an ambulance immediately. be ready to leave! mr. martel? it's lena. i am sorry to bother you. my father is dying. we must admit him urgently, but i don't know where. as i told you, they released him from puerta de hierro yesterday. yes. thank you very much. well, here. i don't know. i'll stay here, mom. you have to rest. really, you don't want me to stay? or that i bring you something? don't be so harsh with them, ernesto! why don't you invite your son to spend a few days here? he can keep me company. does he like movies or theater? and how would i know?! what an idea! call him, but you can't count on me for the rest. i am sorry we showed up like this, but i've heard you are running auditions. and i would like for you to give me a try out. i can come whatever day is convenient. ernesto hasn't told you? i went to see a film director. for an audition. i want to work. call a decorator. i want to be an actress. i've always wanted to. that's a cheap shot. in any case, don't worry. it didn't turn out well. i was too nervous. come in! that's the film director. he says the reading was not sufficient and he wants to see me once more! go see him, no?! please, ernesto. i need to do something! and i've always wanted to be an actress! they have not given me the role yet. well, if i were to get it, we would still see each other every day, as it has been, in the mornings and evenings. nothing will change, except that during the day i would work, just like you. what? don't you think you've married and divorced enough times already? we've been living together for three years, aren't we fine like this? is junior around? this is madness, mateo. i am no good for you. well, yes, especially if you're a girl. because you must put on makeup , dress up, do your hair. get dressed again, do your hair again. and that takes hours. at the end of the week, sure, but i'm happy. i can't travel until the shoot is over. we rehearse on weekends. yes. that's how one makes a movie! . the movie is boss. i want you to find me pretty. would you like a cigarette? do you know how many fucks we've had since we arrived yesterday? ten. yes, i suppose so. i know. i'll tell you later. i've had a horrible weekend. rest? i haven't slept a wink all weekend. it's been a nightmare! i have literally had ernesto on top of me, all those forty-eight hours, like a leech! he has not given me a second to breathe, the asshole! well, you tell him that i am a grown-up now, and free, and that i've forbidden you to follow me. try it. it would do you good. do as you wish, but you're not coming with me. good, tired. yes. yes, especially after work. i am not hungry, i'd rather go to bed right now. i'll only have a yogurt. ernesto, what are you doing here? turn that off, you idiot! hasn't mateo forbidden you to tape us outside the shooting? you both have no scruples! listen carefully, ernesto. yes, i am talking to you. i was just with the man i love and i am the happiest i've been all my life because he loves me too! and listen carefully, ernesto! i will let i was just with the man i love and i am the happiest that i've been all my life because he loves me too! and listen carefully, ernesto! i will let you be very soon! there is no need to spy on me. i don't have anything left to hide! i am leaving, ernesto. i am leaving you. and how will you stop me? yes. can't you leave the paperwork for later? please! stop it, ernesto! let him drive! no! and could we get going?! no. hello, mateo? not tonight. something unexpected has happened, but don't worry, everything's ok. i won't be able to. i will see you directly at the studio. i have something to do. yes. i'll see you tomorrow. take me to the studio. if you don't take me, i'll go there myself, even if i have to drag myself. it's up to you. i will stay, under the condition that you let mateo finish the shooting, according to what he decides. i will tell him i tripped. i don't know. whatever mateo decides, but i want to rest assured that you will respect his decision, no matter the cost nor the time that it will take. is that clear? and that's it. ernesto is prepared to support whatever you decide. three weeks. be careful, he may walk in. mateo, we must finish the shooting as soon as possible! until then, i cannot leave ernesto. i cannot leave, i've made a deal with him. you have not asked me. mateo, please! what else? the only solution is that i continue to live with him until you finish the film. you don't have to think about that. what's important is that you finish shooting. i've told you, to live under the same roof, with him in his room and me in mine. he doesn't have the right to anything more. i am sorry. you have told me everything, in every way possible. we can't let him have his way! every day i arrive worn out and every day i recover, right? i ask you only for a bit more patience. and a kiss! we have had a brutal fight. at the end, he ripped my clothes off and my shoes and he threw me out naked onto the highway. the jacket belongs to the cab driver. you must give him a good tip, if it weren't for him i don't know how i would have made it here. no, please. he will turn against you! no, not your house. let's leave madrid. sorry to interrupt. i wanted to ask if there are any employment opportunities available here, with you. you always look so busy. i have a lot of free time. i have worked as a secretary at m. capital, a very important finance company. no. it's not me. but they can't release the film so soon, right? what are we going to do? that the only intelligent thing we have done has been not to attend the premier, that my acting is pathetic, that you seem like a first-time director and that you lack talent. at the end, it wonders who might have made your first films. never before has such a resounding downfall been witnessed. how horrible! what are you going to do? he was very generous with me and my family. my father was dying, i needed to take him to a private hospital and ernesto took care of everything. he paid for everything. and he made sure that my parents could return to their home town and that they lacked nothing. it's only natural that you would want to know. and i don't want any skeletons between us. i would like to be able to forget all that, but you have the right to ask. i remember your face perfectly. i think i fell in love with the way you looked at me. i thought: this man will be my salvation. it's the first time we part. no. i will be better off here. yes!