no, thanks. what's she like? really? and she's an actress? you're already here. let's read something. no. you may go. it's best if you leave. i am going to try out some wigs. no! you don't love them! you already have many hours shot of wigs. this is more of the same. after she tries on the new wigs, she's asked for a massage therapist, she has a spasm. ernesto, stop being a pest and leave already! see you tomorrow! i am going to speak to magdalena. do you mind being on the lookout? don't let anyone interrupt us. no. i sent him home. there's only edurne, on watch. you should have warned me sooner. you look awful. you still don't know what it is? take all the time you need. even if we're shooting, your son is more important. and? and how does he think one makes movies? then he shouldn't have signed up as a producer, no one asked him. son of a bitch! your tone is off, magdalena. what's wrong? what's happened? but. we haven't rehearsed, so that you could rest! decide, what?! i can't move from one shot where you are walking normally to another one where you are wearing a cast! how long must you wear the cast? i hate stopping! movies, when you pick them back up, are no longer the same! do you mind if i speak to lena alone for a moment? let him walk in! tell me the truth! people don't fall down the stairs, that only happens in movies. why not? he's a psychopath! what more proof do you need? a deal? what deal? but i cannot ask you for such a sacrifice. i can't accept it either. there must be another answer. can you take it? exactly what have you agreed to? and you think he will be content with that? we would have to repeat part of the stairway scene. cut! don't worry, it will turn out. but i don't know what more direction to give you. ernesto is getting just what he hoped. that we make a piece of crap of a movie! i told you not to agree to that deal. yes. she's so much better! grab this one! let's look at fourteen, it's even better! is there something wrong? i'll be right down. but . . . what has happened?! take us to the nearest police station. we must denounce him, magdalena! we have to look after you. let's go to a hotel. look. it's us. i was wondering how long it would take him to emerge! no. it's a scheme to annoy us, and a trap to get you to return. the ad is only lacking the words "missing." nothing. fuck them! what does it say? judit. it's me. i hope you and the boy are ok. i apologize that i left without notice, but terrible things have happened, i will explain. speaking of which, i need to talk to you, urgently. please call me! here's the number. oh, and, ask for harry caine, i have registered under that name. i will be waiting for your call! luis, i just read in the newspaper that the film has opened and i am beside myself!! i don't know what the fuck is going on there, but i would like to know! ok, i'll ring back! how did you meet ernesto senior? and. how did you end up with him? you fell in love? pardon me, i have no right to ask you about that time in your life. no. i do not have any right. for me, you were born the day you came for the audition. you looked at me, i saw your face and. i was left hypnotized. either way, i will return next weekend. but if you are going to be worried, you should come with me. and did i manage to save you from anything? did you visit lena's mother at her hometown? what did she say? did you visit the grave? do whatever you need to do. we'll wait for you there. are those flowers? you've been looking after me for fourteen years now. i don't know. it should be your son to tell you. two weeks ago, at the place where he d.j.'s, by mistake, he grabbed a friend's drink that had been spiked with g.h.b., liquid ecstasy. he thought it was his drink, both drinks had coca-cola. yes. it's a very dangerous drug when it's mixed with alcohol and diego had already had two cuba libres before he drank from his friend's glass. he was badly affected. he spent two days in urgent care, after that, i brought him here. no. i've told you, he drank from the glass containing liquid ecstasy by mistake. at first glace one cannot tell the difference. both glasses contained coca-cola. it's not the first time it happens. diego has not told you so that you wouldn't be alarmed. he is wanting to do so! then you should try answering him, when he asks you. you smell good. what's the dress like? short like jean seberg in "breathless"? like joan of arc on the bonfire? like liza minnelli in "cabaret"? or like yul brynner? i am sure it looks good on you. thanks for dressing up for me, judit. three. we are dinning in darkness. bring us a bottle of wine, to toast. i found out about this place in the newspaper and i wanted to check it out. joy! joy! bring your ear to me so that i can sprinkle some wine behind it. it's for good luck! i've never asked you. what a living hell! for both of you! don't continue, judit! it's not necessary. that's why i never called you, but even if you don't believe it, i was very worried for you and the boy. why do you think that? if you don't know, then stop torturing yourself. good night. i couldn't sleep. would you mind dialing this number? i am not alright, judit. and yes, i do need something. the forty thousand meters of negative we shot during my last film in order to edit it. i am at the home of ernesto junior and i just found out the material was destroyed in '94. i imagined something like this, i just didn't think it would have happened that soon. no. i am in a hideous mood, judit, and i don't want to take it out on you! i think i am going to bribe him. we need money, i don't want diego back at that damn bar. i want to pay diego a salary, we need money and he has money to throw. it is not craziness. i can't think of anyone else to blame for magdalena's death. let it be, you already said enough last night. since you insist, i will ask you. what do you have to tell me? in '94! very shortly after the release of that aberration. that's not anything that i don't already know. you are lying to me. that changes everything. i am not so sure. he has yet to explain what he was doing in lanzarote. i'll let you go, it seems he wants to talk. and why would i want that? i can't watch it! plus, i'm not interested. is there something new i should know about? the images are there? those of the last night? a kiss? i don't remember it. the last kiss. it doesn't sound like what we watched on tv, right? the important thing is to finish it. films must be finished.