cause the turk was right. after seeing her, after that night on the airstrip, after cairo everything changed, and he couldn't see the play through that one milky eye, but the turk was right about one thing, that there's nothing beautiful about money. she's beautiful. he'll never have her now. she's free. and i'll never see her in scarlet again, her chestnut hair, but it's worth the money and my job and his life and the rest of my life that she's free. you're not here. neither of us are. it's mowcher's gun. they won't find him for a week, and the albino will chalk it up to davey, he won't talk. we're clean. the man named charleston you met nine months and a thousand years ago at the hotel bar in jodhpur is dead. if we see each other again it'll be as strangers. as for the money. let it rot.