bloom. how long has it been? tea. can you believe that? tea? been a long while. well then please don't call stephen down. look at you, you're terrified. c'mon now, look. take a look. i'm an old man with no depth perception. you don't have to be scared of me. ha! ha ha. piss and vinegar. you probably won't believe i loved you boys very much. but love, you know. we know, folks like us, you can always blink and realize that it's a fiction, and like peter walking on water or wiley coyote running off a cliff, if you look down in doubt you'll fall. that's the price of our lives, the wax in our wings. one day stephen's going to fall. it may be glorious, but he's going to fall hard and he won't be there to tell you what to do and protect you. when he's gone, remember me. my boys. stephen, still the grand architect with your symbols. red for temptation, white for salvation. hm. i'll be damned. ruskies wouldn't be caught dead handing over a rag bag like this, it should be a steel attache. alright.