well, it seemed like they were speaking a foreign language sometimes, but no. problemo? is it so wrong to tie them up? you're good with them, you know. you should have some of your own. free milk cow. if the moo fits. the phone rings. small wonders day care. no, it's debbie. the sister who's life you're not wasting. what? yeah, she should marry somebody famous, take the focus off. grace checks her cell phone screen. we would have heard it ring. he just needs to blow off some steam, he'll be fine. wow, you lashed? you never lash. i'm impressed. well, i've been praying to win the lottery for fifteen years, but it's not going to happen. you know, it's not all about money. the clerk finishes ringing the last item. what?! debbie looks in a bag, pulls out a handful of various counter items. zoe giggles and proudly holds up one of the hundred or so tic-tac mint containers. zoe. hey, everybody back-off i zoe laughs, enjoying the commotion. you're a saint, grace. so this is what success buys you. well, thank mr. exclusive for me. he's on a quite a roll. what'd he do make a deal with the devil? well, la-ti-da. mike's idea of a romantic evening is chez sizzler. margarita pulls the wrap tightly around debbie. what does this do again? grasa? doesn't that mean fat? good - you wouldn't want to leave any spare oxygen in there. wait a second, you don't think he's going to propose, do you? you do. you think he's going to propose. i don't know, hun. i mean, i like bruce but that man's priority list is him, him, him, then him some more and then you. that's what i'm worried about. careful, you missed a spot of free flowing circulation. margarita senses the attitude and pulls tighter. debbie reacts. that'd do it. margarita motions for debbie to lay down and leaves. debbie struggles to lay down. let's see, how do i-- debbie slides to the ground, grace cracks up, gets up to help, but also in mummy wrap, topples on top of her. they both laugh and struggling to get up. hearing the ruckus, margarita enters and gasps. hey, i'll take that over fat. margarita tries to pull them up, but falls too. so this is your new place, huh? you sure you want to do this? oh, boy. right. looks like your rain dance worked. i didn't really come to chat, i came for grace's things. they're full. you did all this? bruce nods. debbie looks at bruce, sizing him up. you really hurt her, you know. you know what i do before i go to sleep every night? i tuck my kids in bed, i eat a scoop of ice cream and watch conan.