is something killing your kids? find out tonight at eleven. bruce looks at the sign quizzically for a beat, then continues on. no, just into watching. or i could change it to: "slow news day, come yawn with us. at eleven." yeah, yeah. any word on the open anchor position, jack? and that's the way the cookie crumbles. the others chuckle. only ally remains sympathetic. i'm just messin' with you, bruce. see you've got to remember that the news room is like a cookie. more laughs. thanks, susan. i ' m thrilled and honored. like you said, no one can replace the great pete fineman, but i'll do my best. i have to say i am so proud to be a part of our local community. of buffalo. i think a great city is a lot like a great recipe really. put in some hard working citizens, add some care givers, maybe a few nuts. the other news anchors and evan himself chuckle at "his" joke. bruce listens on the feed, beyond stunned. all sprinkled with the strength and love of our good families, that ultimately creates a sweet place to live. thank you. and i'm evan baxter. and here's what's making news. this stops bruc e. he watc hes evan on a newsr oom monit or. a devilish smile forms on bruce's face. a potential scandal with the buffalo p.d. surfaced today when. evan's voice suddenly becomes high pitched, like a girls. the mayor demanded that the chief of police issue. . uh-hum, that the chief of police. evan tries to clear his throat again, but his voice remains i'm sorry. there seems to be something. evan shoots susan a look to cover for him. susan tries to cover with a joke. ah, there we go. sorry about that. the prime minister of sweden visited washington today as my little tiny nipples moved to france- evan stops cold, staring at the teleprompter. the white house reception committee greeted the prime rib roast minister and i do the cha cha like a sissy girl. i lika do da cha cha. in desperation, evan shifts from the prompter to the paper script on his desk. sorry, we're having a few technical difficulties, here. * in other n-n-n-n. n-n-n-n. * evan's nose starts bleeding. a sudden stream out of one * nostril. susan reacts. so does jack. bruce smiles. , evan sees the blood, tries to stop it but it only streams -. faster. he keeps talking, but the stream increases. susan gets up, tries to help. you're probably here to gloat over the anchor position. go ahead, i'm sure i deserve it.