three. he quickly pulls one finger in. two. bruce begins switching fingers rapidly. god doesn't miss a beat. four. nine. six. eight. one. one final attempt, bruce holds seven fingers. seven. you've been doing a lot of complaining about me, bruce. and quite frankly, i'm tired of it. bruce backs away from god. well, that's not very neighborly. i brought you here to offer you a job. my job. you think you can do it better, so here's your chance. when you leave this building you will be endowed with all my powers. all the power of god. bruce glances back at the empty desk, turns back again and god the janitor has also vanished. a beat, then bruce sprints out of the room. havin' fun? bruce is startled and the soup splashes back to normal collapsing on the cockroach. he looks up at god standing beside the booth. bruce is now awestruck. let's take a walk. most people want to kill these guys. i'm quite fond of em'. very streamlined design. like little armored tanks. y'know, they can hold their breath for forty minutes and their cells divide only once per molting cycle creating a cytoskeleton with cell adhesion that. oh, this is a bit over your head, isn't it? off bruce's look. okay, let me explain the rules. yeah, you left in such a rush i didn't get a chance to explain. i figured that would get your attention. i did the same thing to ghandi, he couldn't eat for three weeks. now, here's the deal. you have all my power. use it any way you choose. there are only two rules. you can't tell anyone you're god. believe me you don't want that kind of attention. and you can't mess with free will. yes you can. that's the beauty it. suddenly a large sailboat sail passes right by them. bruce looks to the sail, oddly, then. wide angle - reveal god and bruce are now walking on the lake about 100 feet from the shore. they watch the sailboat pass. bruce is awestruck. oh, speaking of amazing. god dips his hand in the lake and pulls out the prayer beads. he pockets them as he talks. since you're finished with these, i think i'll hang to 'em. might come in handy someday. i'll be seein' ya. i'm taking a vacation. ever hear of the dark ages? besides, i'm covered. you can fix everything in five minutes if you want to, right? really something isn't it? god sits down next to bruce. it's everest. you should try flipping on the discovery channel every now and then. well, i guess you can't now, being dead and all. no, i'm just messing with you. they're prayers, bruce. you keep ignoring them and they're going to build up on. you like that. you didn't think being god was going to be all fun and games did you? you aren't listening, son. let's see, you've had my powers for over a week now and how many people have you helped? the world? that wasn't the world, bruce. that was just buffalo, between commonwealth and 57th. didn't want to start you out with more than you can handle. now how you doing otherwise? personal life in good shape? everything's great, huh? now it's heating up. nice recovery. bruce looks to god to shut up. she's got a point. you're going to have to answer those things, y'know. you want some friendly advice? you wanted the job, bruce. i * suggest you get to it. * int. bruce and grace's apartment - day * enjoying your party? yeah, nothing like spending time with some real frien ds. any s hrimp left ? i know. would you take you back? bruce mulls this over,- then. welcome to my world, son. you come up with an answer to that one, you let me know. off of bruce thinking. cut to: you mind giving me a hand with this floor first? off bruce's look. . . dissolve to: there we go. wonderful thing. no matter how filthy something gets, it can always be cleaned right up. god collects bruce's mop. since when does anyone have a clue about what they want? god holds up a remote and clicks, changing the room into the diner where bruce first parted his soup. the older waitress, ginnie, clears some dishes. remember ginnie? ginnie bends down behind the counter and when she comes back up she is a hot 21 year old. ginnie thought she lost her beauty when she got older. i'm trying to convince her otherwise. ginnie bends down again, and when she comes back up, she is her older self again. god clicks the remote, changing the environment into a school yard. we see the grade school where filbert davis, the boy bruce helped up the rope, is in a fight. ah yes, filbert. brilliant young man. he was going to be a great poet. ester maha. i love ester. ester was bankrupt. she was going to have to eat her pride and call her sister. would've got the two of them together again. instead, she bought a condo in florida. * god clicks the remote again. god * * * and have you seen the news lately? * we see footage of the arctic sea and north and south poles. * newscaster #1 * scientists believe last weeks * asteroid may have knocked the earth * off it's access resulting in the * rapid acceleration of the melting * of the polar caps. . . * click. more footage of floodwaters and rising tides. * newscaster #2 * and more tidal wave activity * reported and resulting in * devastating floods all tied to last * weeks abnormal lunar activity. * click. we see footage of decimated crops. * newscaster #2 * that swarm of locusts spotted in * buffalo has multiplied, wreaking * havoc on local agricultural crops. * food and produce prices are * expected to skyrocket. * this is good-bye, bruce. you've learned a lot. i think you should be able to handle things now. god climbs, ascending into the light. see bruce, that's your problem. that's everybody's problem. you keep looking up. . . he smiles and disappears into the light, leaves bruce thinking. you can't expect to kneel down in the middle of a highway and live to talk about it. i work in mysterious ways, son. a beat as bruce takes everything in. go ahead, use 'em. boy, you can say that again. sorry, go. now that is a prayer. well, i better get on that one. see ya, bruce. off bruce's puzzled reaction he drops through the clouds -- falling pov - back down towards earth, back through the clouds, and right into another white room where. bruce eyes open and he gasps for breath. the prayer beads still clutched tightly in his hand. two doctors stop giving bruce cpr, see that his vitals have returned. . .