it's good. i thought it was funny. i love the hair net. how'd you get it to do that? oh, my gosh, look at this one. my sister is so drunk. she places it in the album. aren't you taking this a little too seriously? i'm sorry. bruce collapses into grace's arms like a child. he clearly has a fragile temperament. it does matter. you're funny. you make people smile. come on, take a break, help me put this album together. oh look at this. it's the first day we moved in together. it's the two of them, younger, laughing. oh, here's me at my sister's wedding. i caught the bouquet. it's a picture of grace overpowering the other bridesmaids for the bouquet. well, i was thinking about you. grace cuddles into bruce. you have no idea. well, that's the way the cookie crumbles. they kiss, stumbling toward the bedroom. oh, say it again. oh, i just love on-air personalities. sweety, time to get up. she kisses bruce, gets up. i'm in the shower! wow, nice car, huh? we're having a blood drive. oh, that's a nice response. helpful and life saving? they do not. now stop it. i'm * giving. i have a very rare blood * type, ab positive. prayer beads. the kids made 'em. keep you safe. martin, are you eating the glitter again? martin. open your mouth. abra su boca. he does. his tongue sparkles with glitter. oh, you're not huh? well, then you've got a bad case of liberace. grace's sister, debbie, enters. she's wearing a nurse's outfit. her youngest, zoe, 3, runs over to greet her. they didn't teach you spanish in nursing school, did they? martin has decided to explore new food groups. martin, this is for art. like this. she spreads paste on the paper, sprinkles glitter. d eb -- ma rt i n! martin is busted with the paste spreader stuck in his mouth. grace snatches it. okay, go rinse your mouth with water. lave su boca. go. i swear that kid is going to poop an ornament. don't start. debbie, don't call me that. saved by the bell. grab that for me, will you? debbie does. hey. grace grabs the phone. sorry, honey. my sister seems to think she's my mother. where are you? live? that's greati oh, my gosh. wait, what do you mean practically? i just want to make sure we're not getting too ahead of ourselves. good luck, honey. i love you. * bruce * i love you. * * debbie turns to grace. * debbie * moooo. * talk honey, talk. please baby, say something. thank you, god. this isn't happening. this isn't happening. thank god you're alright. bruce, don't talk like that. so god is torturing us? bruce, please. this isn't his fault. honey, you're mad right now. it's understandable. and what evan did was slimy and wrong. but your job doesn't matter to me. you matter to me. you could've really been hurt. i'm just glad you're okay. is that what you have, bruce? a mediocre life? well, i'm sorry for being a piece in your mediocre puzzle. gosh, this girl is so talented and all they ever talk about is her hair. i know. it's just that he usually calls during the day. i hope so. i've never seen him * that mad. an d i lashed back-- * i feel bad for him. he's wanted anchor for so long. zoe begins pulling groups of items onto the belt. listen, i better get back. i want to be there for him. what can i say, i love him. and if i know bruce, he's out there wandering around with the weight of the world on his shoulders. well, at least i have someone to drink with. grace hears bruce coming up the stairs, singing. oh, my god. where have you been? you're so. happy. these are amazing. what are they? todayzees? okay. grace goes to put them in water. bruce, is there something you're not telling me? what do you mean, why? last night you weren't exactly happy with life. wow, it really cleared up. i've never seen the moon that big. bruce puts his arms around grace from behind. five minutes. i'11 be out in a minute. bruce * don't rush yourself. sometimes * anticipation can heighten the * pleasure. * grace shudders a bit at the word "pleasure", quickly finishes * brushing, picks up her lipstick. * bruce * it's a funny thing about, pleasure. * grace's knees buckle, causing the lipstick to smear across * her face. she sits down on the toilet seat to get a hold of * herself. * bruce * it can be extremely pleasurable. * grace has a very powerful orgasm and slides off the toilet * out of frame to the ground. * grace * * oh, oh. oh my. * cut to: * good morning. cooked you grilled cheese. last night was just. mmm hmm. bruce enjoys his grilled cheese. it's funny, but when i woke up this morning, it felt like my boobs were bigger. bruce looks away, guilty, trying to be nonchalant. do they look bigger to you? they're definitely bigger. they feel huge to me. bruce throws up his hands. where are you going? he stops, turns. a new confident bruce. do you believe how they're playing? oh, honey, would you hand me the scissors? bruce diverts his attention, when the sabers screw up and the crowd groans. bruce immediately turns, looks intently at the puck and goal, sabers! the crowd roars! i guess. i feel like a human taquito. and he's taking me out tonight to dinner at chez l'amour. afraid so. debbie eyes margarita. so, bruce said and i quote: "prepare yourself for an amazing evening that will change our lives forever." margarita reaches debbie's waist and yanks tightly. i don't think anything. well, he's always said when he gets his career together, you know. and his career is more than together. i mean, come on, chez l'amour. change our lives. well, he just might surprise you. should we ask for a more private table? i think so. that's great, honey. congratulations. wow. so that's what's tonight is about? well, to be honest, i thought that maybe tonight, you-- the two cute girls interrupt, approach bruce. you have lipstick on your face. bruce, we need to talk. i thought we had an understanding-- suddenly, the whispers start again. bruce looks around, figures it's coming from the restaurant patrons. what are you talking about? it's not loud. the whispers grow in volume. bruce, this isn't funny. bruce? what are you doing out here? with that, the terrain transforms back into the alley where grace has been standing all along. she can not see .god. bruce, what is going on? the second i want to talk about us you run out on me. you know, i actually had the crazy idea that you were going to ask me to marry you tonight. not helping you what? when is it a good time? it's never a good time. who are you talking to?! just then, the whispers start in again. bruce reacts. fin e. yo u kn ow wh at? i 'm go in g t o go home and if by some miracle it * suddenly becomes a 'good time', you * know where to find me. * * and speaking of time, you're * running out of it. * grace heads back into the restaurant. bruce stands completely frustrated. okay, this is getting ridiculous i grace's boobs are enormous! a healthy d-cup. i have to see a doctor. there's definitely something wrong with me. * bruce jumps up from the computer, hides what he's doing. i look like a hooker i my whole body is changing. she turns profile, her back sways causing her ass to stick out. my back didn't used to arch like this. bruce gets up, walks to grace. bruce, i feel like our relationship is becoming all about sex. no, bruce. come on. * she breaks away and sees the computer is on. * grace * what's that? what are you doing? * bruce tries to cover. * bruce * oh, ah. nothing. surfing the * * internet. for stories. grace * is this why you didn't come to bed? * bruce * no, ah. honey, you're going to be * late. no, i'm not. bruce looks over grace's shoulder and adjusts the clock forty minutes forward. grace turns and is surprised. oh my goshi how did i sleep this late? i've got to run. are you giving me a ride? y ou' re c ra zy . ca n we a ff ord t ha t? l ook! i'm back to no rmal. it was the wildest thing, i was worried, so i said a prayer and the next thing i know, i was completely healed. it was like a miracle. so, you're taking me to lunch? th is i s ra re -- but wonderful. oh, you'll never believe it. debbie won the lotteryi but get this, there were like 433 thousand other winners, so it only paid out 17 dollars. can you believe the odds of that? ext., upscale home - day what is this? ext. upscale home - day * what? this had to cost-- i can't even imagine how much this had to cost. wh-what am i missing here? you can't afford this. you're a reporter. buying cars is one t hing, but this-- bruce grabs a hold of grace. there's only one problem. i hate it. bruce is surprised. what were you thinking? why didn't * you talk to me about this? * bruce * i wanted to surprise you. * grace * mission accomplished. * appreciative of what? the fact that you didn't include me on a major life decision or that we now live in the sultan of bernai's * house? * what is that supposed to mean? what is happening to you? you're changing. yeah, and so would their pimps. * bruce * i can't believe this. i did all * this for us. * grace * us ? w hat us? yo u a lwa ys said wh en * your career takes off we'd get * married. what happened to that us? * not a great time. what is that, your mantra? this is never going to change. . . grace heads down the stairs. * no, you're just starting to have fun. suddenly, the toilet flushes off camera. grace sees sam in the bathroom spraying some deodorizer before he exits. and what in god's name is going on with that dogi? grace pulls her cell phone .out of her purse, heads for the door. i'm going to have debbie pick me up. i'm sorry, but i won't be attending your little pa rty tomorrow. and if * you would like to see me after i will be at our home. * oh, and that poor, struggling guy you talked about? i miss him. cozy, don't you think? come on help me find him. they head into the room. i don't know. it's his big night. * i don't want to spoil it. i know . * how much this means to him. * debbie * * so much for lashing back. grace stops dead in her tracks. her face drops. grace's pov - bruce, still lip-locked with susan ortega. get the car, deb. here. i do n't w ant your car. i don't want your things. . . i don't want you. and you thought susan's mouth was the phone? how about a boat, bruce? yeah, a big boat and oh, maybe two bags of cash, you know, the ones with the big cartoon dollar signs on the front. then i'll be happy. because i'm just hollow inside. debbie's been right. all this time. i defended you, told her there was good in you. another side to you. well, i just saw that other side and i don't want anything to do with it. debbie pulls up, grace storms off to the car. bruce follows, go back to your little co-anchor. or is that ho-anchor? i came back here to apologize. how stupid am i? grace turns and heads to the car. hi. that's great. i hope it goes well for you. he's hit in the head by a ball. grace can't help but smiles bruce leaps at the opportunity. . . i don't know what to say. no, bruce. what? how do you know about that? did you talk to debbie? alright, inside, martin. okay everyone, inside. the kids race in. grace starts to follow. i have to go. * she starts off. . . are you out of your mind? have you been drinking? you need help. she heads back inside. bruce throws his hands in the air, frustrated. please god. please. please god. i still love him. bruce smiles, thankful. but i don't want to love him anymore. please god. help me to forget. i don't want to hurt anymore. i want to forget. bruce just stands there, stunned. he gets it. he raises a hand, and with a simple wave, he performs an excruciatingly selfless act. he lets grace go. a cotton swab taped to her arm. now he remembers where he heard of that blood type. i hear that all of this winds up in a warehouse somewhere. but you know me, i'm a sucker for this stuff. the doctors give grace the nod to enter as they go, leaving the two of them alone. grace tentatively approaches. i don't even know what i'm doing here. but. when i heard that you'd been in an accident and that you might not make it. . . she starts to cry. does it hurt? oh my gosh, you still have those? bruce looks at the prayer beads, then looks at grace. he remembers his prayer to god and the emotion wells within him what is it?