the lord giveth, and the lord taketh away. ashes, ashes. all fall down you have brought us here, and we thrive. we thrive. you will awake in a new world. just as i promised, untold splendor, rubies dripping from our lips. just as we said. soon. you wanna go for a ride? so? do we change this one, or do we just drain her? i don't think this is gold. my arm! he took my fucking arm! i had him in my grasp. i look horrible. i don't know. but the boy, he couldn't kill them. end zone. all clear? pleased to meet you! won't you guess my -- -- name? you're a fool, bloodbag. die a fool and go to hell! the chosen one. you're just another bloodbag -- not even fit to die for the master. when will you ever learn? what? no!