suck! i can't believe these people. we paid money to see this. oh, yeah. but i still want to know what happens. the fifties are over. that's it, man. that's the whole story. amazing! what did you say? figures. you're the guys from the movie! hey, buffy, you hungry? i got something for you. hey! she wasted my dog! rich bitches. they're a plague. they've gotta be stopped. they're all the same! they're so stuck up, they're just. they're not even human. i hate them. yes. definitely. definitely. please, god. i got a news flash, man, another shot of this and i'll have sex with you. when you get your car together, man, let's bail. utterly. let's bail this town. it's getting. i don't know. let's go somewhere where there aren't any rich bitches. i think i'm gonna ralf. pike. let me in. invite me in, pike. i'm fine. i. feel. pretty. the sun! it burns! it burns! let me in, pike! i'm hungry! i'm hungry. i'm hungry! i'm hungry! i'm hungry! isn't this great, pike? isn't it great? finally got those bitches on the run. of course i'm angry! i leave you alone for five minutes, and look who you're hanging out with! i don't want girls with good taste; i want a girl that tastes good! i was gonna change you, man. i was gonna give you life! do you know what that means? never die. never get kicked around, never get busted. it means never having to say you're sorry! and you blow it all off for that slut?! what about my needs?! 'ooh, make me a woman, jeffrey. oh, jeffrey, you're so atheletical. i love you'