come on, do the play! the one where. the one from the book! where you make it go forward! is that good? was that a good thing? some people say winning is a state of mind. can't win out there if you don't win -- -- in here. i say, winning isn't a state of mind. i say winning is having more points. and how do we get point? by putting the thing, the ball over the. in the place. right. so i don't care about your minds. maybe you're tired. maybe you're worried about your grades. maybe you dog just died or you've suddenly found that you're attracted to other men. i don't care! 'cause we're a team. and there only on thing that matters to a team. what that? and how do we win? so let's go!! there you are! you missed practice again. you're benched till the fourth, um, the fourth part. now get out there. come on! do the thing! where you. go towards the guy! come one! throw the thing!